Indra closed the car door roughly. Then with a little pressure he pushed the gas in his car and produced a rough sound from the racing exhaust, Indra intended to reply to Arnold the brat. Not wanting to linger on causing noise in the campus area, Indra started his car, leaving the campus area. His good mood had been ruined this morning and it made him a little frustrated remembering Maria who had to be bothered by this shameless young man every day.

Even his frustrated thoughts were carried away in the meeting he attended with Raphael that morning until Raphael noticed Indra's behavior which was more dreamy with his eyebrows tightened.

"Shhh Bro, what are you doing? You look messed up. Didn't your face still look fine last night?" Raphael whispered to Indra because at this time not only the two of them were attending the meeting, but the other members of the Sailendra Group board.