"Are you mad at me? Just tell me what I did wrong, and I'll make sure I won't repeat the mistake that made you angry like this. Come on, Ellia!" Indra kept urging Ellia to answer. He was tired of dwelling on the confusion that Ellia made, without the slightest explanation.

"Do you remember what you told me yesterday, Indra? You said when you came home you would answer my questions," Ellia opened her mouth and spoke.

  "What do you mean about your question yesterday? Didn't you ask yesterday about what your presence means to me, right?" Indra answered correctly because Ellia gave a nod of her head to confirm Indra's answer, "Oh my, Ellia... Just because of that?" Indra spoke again while patting his forehead because he didn't think that just because of that, Ellia changed her attitude to be quiet.