'Why does he ask like that? Does he know there's a ghost here? But here there is only Ellia if outside the house there are indeed too many,' Indra muttered to himself.

"So what Maria said was true, huh? Are you sick because a ghost followed you this morning when you were here?" Indra laughed a little thinking that what Maria told was true.

"Not like that. I'm seriously asking you. In this house, there are other occupants besides you or not?" Raphael asked again.

"What do you mean, Raphael? Why is your question like that?" Indra began to be curious about what Raphael asked him.

"Because I want to confirm what I think,"

"What do you think?" Indra immediately asked again.

"I've lived here before." Raphael's words startled Indra.

"Have you ever lived here?" Indra rolled his eyes.