"I know, you weren't the cause of Ellia's death. But at least you've neglected Ellia's life. Why did you bring her to this house when Ellia was critical? Why don't you take her to the hospital for better help?"

Indra continued to say what Raphael should have done to Ellia at that time, and Raphael accepted all of those assumptions. Even though Indra said it loudly, it was all true.

"Yes, I'm sorry! Ellia, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Raphael looked in all directions hoping to find Ellia's figure watching him.

"Can you be honest? What was your reason for bringing Ellia back here then?" Indra asked again.

"That's... because at that time I had to," Raphael didn't stutter in answer. He lowered his head again, and after that, he turned back to Indra.

"Indra, is there any way I can communicate directly with Ellia? Please, Indra, I want to explain everything to Ellia directly. In this case, I can't know for sure, whether Ellia has forgiven me or not!"