- Acquire a Map

While they could wander aimlessly in the hopes that they would find one of the other religious buildings, Marcus and Elanor agreed that their time would be better spent moving with purpose through the city. To that end, they decided to return to the hotel in the hope that they could find something like a map.

As they passed the market stalls on the way the girl they had spoke to earlier waved them over. Standing along side her at the stall was a tall, middle aged man.

"Did you find it alright?" she asked them.

"Yeah. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction," Marcus responded with a small smile of gratitude. "You don't happen to have a map of the area, do you?" he asked, realising that a map might be the exact kind of thing that a merchant stall would stock.

"We don't, sorry," the man answered. "One of the other stalls might, though."

Marcus glanced over to the neighbouring stalls before looking back at the man. "I'll take my chances."