- Raid on the Starburst

Within a matter of hours, it was time for the plan to begin. The sun, although blotted out by the dense clouds of smoke that rose from the city as the fires burned brightly, had finally set. While it would not make much of a difference regarding the visibility, it should mean that those inside the tailor shop are less prepared for the attack, at least according to Commander Phell's reasoning.

The small group, consisting of the Commander and the Sergeant from the table, Roxy, Wilhelm, Marcus, Elanor, Cray, and the Nightlord were the only ones participating in the mission. Phell had no wish to risk any more of the lives under his command, and so decided to keep the mission to a small group of capable warriors.

They were split into two groups. Marcus, Elanor, Roxy and Cray were sent to the roof, where a hatch was located, and were to enter the building moments after the others, taking advantage of the situation to create even more chaos.