- Flame Against Flame


Confusion filled Elanor's mind. 'Awaken? Awaken what?" she thought.

As she thought, it felt like her body was slipping out of her control. She began to move subconsciously, rising to her feet, and actually blocking and dodging some of the incoming attacks.

'No, this isn't me losing control. This is like muscle memory. Is it because of the King?'

She ducked under the blow that flew towards her and instantly countered, slamming a fist into the side of her assailant. She followed up with a hail of fists that slammed into her opponent's body, forcing them down to one knee. The figure rose with a punch, attempting to catch Elanor off guard, but she easily stepped back to avoid the punch. Snapping out a leg, she kicked the figure onto the floor, before stepping forward and standing over them. 

Suddenly, she felt the urge to to use magic on her downed opponent, despite the fact that she knew using it would put her in a state of danger.