Taking off to his way

Due to hazardous weather and irregular climatic change, it suddenly began to pour down heavily just after the Sun set on the horizon. And the Crey who had just reached the shop, situated in the messy suburbs of this part of the Outer City, was totally soaked in just a few minutes. He quickly entered the shop and in one quick move extricated himself from the wet jacket, his wearable tech, and shirt to reveal his thin, lithe body as he went to the bathroom to fresh himself.

"Uncle, I am in a very bad mood and very very sincerely hope that you haven't eaten my share of dinner or else…."

From inside the bathroom, Crey screamed while turning on the faucet for a cold shower as he was extremely famished right now. And knowing his uncle and his annoying pranks, he was warning him from the start to not mess with him right now. But his shout warranted no response in the silenced shop-home.     

He quickly walked out in loosened clothes after a quick shower and the first thing he noticed was a plate sitting on the table which was covered up by another plate. Suspicions began to arise in his mind after finding his dinner not touched when he was away but he forcefully drowned them as for once he wanted to believe his uncle, that he has no plans to mess with him tonight atleast.    

But still, contrary to feeling relaxed upon seeing his food plate lying there untouched, the boy felt some ominous premonition as he walked toward it, and surely there was a neatly folded physical letter and a single key there. Seeing a rare paper in today's digital world he unhesitantly picked up the letter and went through it quickly.

In short, it said that because Crey was now nearly nineteen therefore he should go to the Military Academy for further education where his uncle had already submitted his admission. And also that he was leaving behind some gifts for him in the locker. The letter was followed by the manipulative yearning to see him become an excellent Evolved Fighter - with his own Exo Armour. And the letter concluded with a very Uncle-like threat, which was that he had eaten his food already and also sold this shop, so Crey had no other way to survive other than going there.

"Oh! Hell Noo..."

A shrill panicked shout escaped from the mouth of the boy as he jumped towards the covered plate and as he feared the plate was actually empty. There were only marks of grease and oil left there which he was sure his uncle had deliberately left behind to irritate him. The boy collapsed in shock on the couch as he mouthed the most vulgar profanities he could think of to his uncle. 

'The bastard took off and even sold the shop. And if it wasn't enough for him to throw me to the streets. He even deliberately used such a vulgar prank on me, despite knowing that it was the third day in a row I am sleeping famished. No! He actually did this because he wants to set a hattrick for making me sleep on an empty stomach.'

Crey rubbed his frustrated head but his eyes were clear of confusion as he was thinking of future plans ahead. But upon thinking of his old man's shrewd nature he couldn't help but curse again. There was a sudden rush of anger in his head as he stood up,   

"...F*ck you old man! And for the military school. To hell with it. Do you think I wasn't prepared for this? I wanted to take off from a long time ago and was still with you because of sympathy. But you….."

Just a few miles away, a middle-aged average man with piercing green eyes and short brown hair, who was driving a hydrogen car on the underground highway sneezed as he grumbled which son of a bit*h was cursing him. But then suddenly smiled as he remembered exactly who this bastard could be. 

The boy calmed down after rummaging through the whole shop for food, or any other valuables. But to his bad luck, there wasn't anything left behind salvageable or worse, any edible. He stood up and mumbled aloud, 

"I have secret savings exactly for this occasion: if one-day things go south, I could open a new repair shop or at least buy this junk one back. Hmm...no, I think I should move to a new city and welcome my new relaxing adult life there, in case he had some pitfalls set up here for me." 

Crey Morgan thought again and again and finally relaxed knowing feasibility of this plan. He then calmly went to his room to pack up. In a short ten minutes, he was out of the shop where for the last two years both of them had lived together. And now in one night both of them abandoned this very home to take off on their separate ways. The funny thing was both of them had prepared and planned this for a long time but somehow were still living together for the sake of the other one.  

Crey walked out with one thin light backpack and his usual gear but this time he had more currency in his pocket than earlier. He booked an maglev cab and after getting inside gave the address of the Inner City - the real Night City Airport and asked the driver to hurry. Of course, the price to pay while entering the Inner City was nothing less than a fortune. But fortunately Crey had a few trinkets ready which could help him fetch the fee.

At the inner city checking gate, the Enforcer unit officer at entry gate came to check identification documents. Crey presented a few of his identification along with a few pieces of glass marbles. Officer's eyes lit up appreciably as he smoothly pocketed the marbles in one practiced motion and then let the cab move through easily.  

These glass marbles were actually new practical cash in this era of traceable digital currency. These portable energy sources could power up an android, robot, or even be used as weapons cores sometimes. Basically, they were the batteries of the modern age that work on delivering massive amounts of energy in their pocket-size due to controlled nuclear fission. They were rare and expensive - even more than gold or diamonds in ancient age, often finding their use in illegal transactions.