Letter From Old Cripple

'Dear Crey

What's up? I would have already left by the time you are reading this letter. First I thought of leaving a text on your wrist 'Watch-ID' but after acknowledging what kind of service we are in, I decided to leave an old-fashioned way of the letter unlike my cheap repairman career. It will surely leave a luxury aftertaste in our relation.

So now when you are basically nineteen, I want you to visit Terra Military Academy for further studies where I sincerely hope you will hone yourself to become the most extraordinary Evolved Fighter of today's age. I have already submitted your name for the Entrance Exam. And from what I could remember from the rules, if you failed to appear at the entrance test there after registration, you will be liable to pay a huge penalty to them for squandering their time.

This is not a warning, my dear child - But a NAKED THREAT from your esteemed Old Uncle. Remember I am too cruel in these kind of matters and am doing this just to push your super lazy ass towards the path of a better future. An Evolved Fighter, is a dream and passion for every young man and woman on the earth but here you are - who has become a totally useless waste of space following your old uncle's ideals.

An Evolved Military Officer, a super fighter, a super-soldier with magnificent tech like EXO-Armor that is romance of every young human, these people who are standing on the peak of human evolution and peak of human technological advancement. For today's inter galaxy activities, these Combatants are the main force of humanity. From Venus, Mars to the farthest colonization of humanity at Europa, every young man and woman dreams of becoming a Fighter. Only a spoiled, lazy bastard like you is the one who wants to live a sluggish uneventful life like an Old man.

If I had known that I will have such a bad effect on your future, I would have never saved your young ass from that burning building. Please Crey, if not for yourself then for your uncle, for this once, choose a path meant for glory and hot-blooded youth. When I was your age I had already taken enrollment in one of such military schools.'

"Excuse me, sir! Do you want me to adjust the settings for your compartment? Since the flight is going to take off, you need to turn on the stabilization as well as a partial blanket system to avoid the heavy turbulence of this supersonic aircraft."

Crey who had just folded down his letter nodded to the pretty air hostess who was wearing a stunning dress displaying plenty of her fair skin to appease luxury customers. She smiled professionally as she fiddled with the settings of his personal cabin, giving constant flirtatious hints to him.

Crey, who was not the least bit dense, noticed her intentions but promptly ignored them and saw her off politely after she delivered him his ordered snacks and drinks. It was because he clearly understood that what she was aiming for was a swing with a rich boy who travels regularly in such a super expensive airplane but the girl was unaware that he is even poorer than her in terms of financial condition. This ticket was just one of those parting gifts of his uncle which was non-refundable as well as non-transferable.

Crey, who is one peace-loving individual, don't want to raise any bothersome issues for himself by misleading her into an affair as he was very well aware of how much women could be vindictive if they are played as fools. This sage understanding was owing to his broad travels with his uncle in the past. Therefore rather than an acting as a smartass, he decided to stick with his usual routine of keeping himself out of trouble - an unenthusiastic laid back personality.

Only now he went back to the letter. It was the part where his tone changes abruptly,

"Crey, listen here you little sh*t, I know you are still not convinced with my decesion. Therefore, now it is time for you to understand things thoroughly. I have already sold off this shop and the new owner ....what should I say, is not that open to civil discussions than he is open to violence. And I have cashed out all balances of both of our bank accounts so there is no money left there.

I have already taken off every useful thing from the shop, even those which have minimum value therefore there is no chance for you to raise money from scalping them. I am kind of running from here, so if you didn't leave right now from here. I am sure there will be a lot of angry customers on the door of the shop from whom I have taken money but not completed their jobs by the very next day. So the route of relocating in this city is basically impossible if you want to be caught up by enforcers and thrown in prison.

As for other nasty tricks you must be thinking, throw them out of your mind too. There is one path left for you that is to go and take the military test obediently and do your best. And if you somehow failed there, I promise not to say anything as then you are free to do anything. I would even send you some credits to start a new life in a new city.

Crey, It's all for your own good. In this world where life is becoming less and less worth with each passing day, strength is the only thing to keep yourself alive. Remember even if you seek peace and ordinary life you must be strong enough to guarantee yourself that. Otherwise, like me, you would be left with a shattered life with scars that are too painful and unforgettable to carry on.

And yes I have finished all the food in the shop too. Best wishes for the future. We will meet again…...someday, I hope.

'Old Cripple' - who is proud to be your Uncle.'

Crey closed his eyes as he dropped down the letter he had finished umpteenth time in his hands. There was no trace of emotion on his face or as he thought. But a slight trace of sadness permeated in his mood which was even undetectable to him.

' Goodbye old uncle! Thanks for... A new life! '