Unexpected Servant

"Excuse me, sir! May I come in?"

Crey found the old man wearing black butler clothes walking inside while holding the door open for a rapid-serving robot to follow him. It was a trolley-based high-tech robot designed for serving and cleaning purposes specifically. The self-driven robot arrived at the center in front of Crey and locked its tires to transform into a portable dining table with tea, coffee, and some snacks served over it.

Old man with robotic hands bowed slightly and introduced himself to Crey who was still scrutinizing the Robot with a single mind while sitting lazily on his chair.

"Three years older model Rc.."

"I am…"

Both spoke practically at the same time, causing both of them to shut each other down. Crey flinched a little as he stood up and bent his head a little to show his respect to the old man. The butler was unfazed as he continued after the little incident,

"I am the aide of Lord Dan. And now because you are his ward in this Academy, automatically I am your aide too, albeit with little fewer liberties. But still, if there is any help you like, you could certainly ask me any time."

Crey was surprised at his gentle and respectful speech but most of it he was flustered. He may be a lazy and negligent fellow but he was too embarrassed to order a servant around. First of all, he is an orphan and comes from a very bleak background, and second, he is in no way better than…..actually he was even less than this old man here in terms of both age and status. After all, he is actually just an amateur(helping) machinist from the 'Outer City'.

Crey shook his head and was about to refuse the words of the kind old man when suddenly,

"Oyi brat, don't take it literally! "

Crey was caught off-guard by a sudden shout as he looked up and discovered that the old man had fished up a cigarette at some point after his humble speech. He lit it up with his inbuilt lighter from his prosthetic arm and went on to sit on the chair where he was seated earlier.

He took a deep puff ignoring the twitching face of Crey and crossed his leg as he shouted,

"F*ck, sit down and take coffee or tea, whatever you like. And for the opening speech, forget it will you? As it was a formality just because Lord Dan asked me to but open your ears, little lad I am not 'your' servant.

So you better not think of me like one if you don't want to be your ass handed down by me. Keep it away from the lord and we will be okay. But if you tried to be some snitch, then...."

Crey blinked both eyes as he thought he was hearing something wrong. What happened to the kind butler just a few seconds before, and why this man had changed into a wannabe thug in the blink of an eye. He wasn't annoyed, actually, he was kind of relieved to see a character with whom he had plenty of experience of interacting.

"What? Don't tell me you don't like either tea or coffee? Then bleach out, I am not going to bring any other beverage."

Crey chuckled as he dragged the chair from the side and grabbed the coffee cup from the portable table. He answered,

"And here I was thinking how to talk with a sophisticated butler. But my worries were for nothing, right?. "

"Hmph! What do you know kid? See my face and see these hands. Do you really think a man like me would be a f*cking butler?"

He barked while showing his mechanical arms and pointing to his rugged and scarred face. Crey nodded as he was right, from the looks of his destroyed hands and foul mouth. He looks more like an army veteran than a sophisticated butler.

"Hmm, yes….butler is not the job you are made for. But your pristine clothes do give false impressions. "

"This?" The old man pointed to his black suit while chewing a cigarette between his teeths. " This I have to wear due to the occasion. I may be an uncouth fellow but Lord Dan shouldn't be disrespected due to his butler, especially at this event of new admissions. So...what's your name, kid? "

Crey took a sip leisurely as he had become once again comfortably nestled on his seat. He answered calmly,

"I am Crey. Didn't the General tell you? "

"Hmm, he did but I think I must have missed it. But at least you are a good kid, not like those sissy kids... of rich parents.

Therefore I won't mince my words with you. Say it now if you are not confident to pass the field exam. Lord Dan certainly wouldn't want a brat to demolish his hard-earned prestige in front of the whole academy, especially his colleagues. And even if you manage to pass it wouldn't be good for you because you would be facing more than monsters of the academy. "

Crey furrowed his bows, he hadn't thought about it all. He hadn't yet made up his mind to pass the exam and difficulties are already showing up. What is this competition with monsters or other things? This is strengthening his resolve to run away.

"What do you mean? " asked Crey seriously as he put back the empty cup on the table and leaned forward to listen to what he had to say. This may be more important as it could be the very point that makes him fuel his decision to flee from here, all the while thinking of passing life as being a little fugitive. Struggling and tough responsibilities are the last thing he wants in his life now.

While this unexpected discussion was happening in the personal office room, General Dan, who was completely unaware of all of this, was finally able to connect the call with his friend who had phoned him after reading his quick message.