A worthwhile Ad? No way...

Dan looked at the holographic screen on which his friend was coming across. He tensed up a little after finally being able to connect to him,

"Hey, Dan!"

"Ruthus, Please tell me this kid is competent enough to be admitted with such privilege? I checked his data but there was nothing in there. He is too normal, too normal for my liking. An orphan kid with no clear history, working as a lousy machinist helper, roaming from city to city….."

"Haha! Don't say you were expecting some prodigy like a monster or demon level from the Academy? Dan! Monsters are made... not born."

"No sh*t! Enough of your idioms. But what is his background? He….is strong but his conduct.. are you really sure he should be here? He looks and feels more like...Listen I took him only because I owe you but now I am having second thoughts."

"Dan.., ..Dan.., ..DAN!….I am asserting that he is worthy to be here and don't tell me you don't believe my words. And for his background, I will tell you but not now. I will tell you when the time is right and of course before the Field Exam. Till then don't shun him, okay! We don't want the Academy to miss an able Fighter, do we?"

Dan sighed as he gave up on his long-term best friend. He closed the video call and closed his eyes. He was not suspicious of his friend but he was taking too big a risk for vouching for an unknown kid in front of the Academy. Will he at least be able to pass the field exam?

Right at this moment, he remembered something as he rubbed his wrist where the young man had clasped him when he had grabbed him in public. He involuntarily exhaled out,

"Hmmm….though he is certainly tough."


It was around noon when the butler took Crey to the Academy hotel where the boys who are participating in tomorrow's field exam are going to stay. On their way to his room, he introduced several 'rules and regulations before the exam, especially not taking any performance improving drugs or genetic serums. Since there would be a blood test before the exam.

Physical Fighting and smuggling of weapons inside the hotel were strictly prohibited, and the Exo parts or power suits are also considered weapons here. The use of genetic abilities is also strictly prohibited. Crey heard these warnings from one ear and let them out from another. In his opinion, these are not the main problems, the real main issue is the presumed meritocracy being forced on him due to being a ward of General Dan.

"Are you even listening, Boy?"

Crey rolled his eyes as he took his key card from him and waved goodbye to the old man. The butler shook his head and shouted after him as he watched him disappear into the hotel entrance,

"You should try to keep your head down for the time being….don't attract attention as a 'recommendation'. Other Students often target them together."

'He is kind of naggy…'

Thought Crey as he walked inside. There was a big screen at the entrance to scan for any illegal objects that guests might try to sneak in and also to inspect the Key card, for confirmation of the hotel room. Crey was not foreign to the procedure since it was pretty much similar to the airports. He waved his key card to let the screen scan his details and waited for verification after which the glass door opened to let him in.

Surely in his earpiece, a sweet recorded voice of woman greeted,

"Welcome, sir! Your room is on the ninth floor, number - 460. You have accommodation for two days with food and everything already paid for. For more information about services you can enjoy and other basic information please respond with 'explain'. "


Crey ignored the standard robotic greeting, a habit set after hearing these as the basic method of greetings everywhere in the major cities, especially Inner cities. Inside he was greeted by the laid-out lounge with an anti-gravity expensive table and chair layout. The white furnishings seemed classy in the grey expansive interior, giving a luxurious yet modern vibe to this Hotel lounge.

For a second Crey was impressed by the indulgence of this accommodation since even that single piece of anti-gravity furniture costs enough to empty the yearly income of his Uncle's repair shop.

But here it looks to be a regular seating arrangement for the hotel guests. As it was only afternoon yet, most of the lounge was empty with two or three people sitting together while chatting. Crey noticed the beautiful reception girls who were wearing adept business suits divulging a professional aura.

'Damn! It sure is expensive.'

Mused Crey to himself as he passed by the lounge to walk towards the elevator. He had already decided that he should make his way towards his room directly. It was clear as day that he was totally out of place with his sub-branded rough apparel and lack of those expensive customized gadgets or personal tools.

Therefore rather than making a fool of himself here, he decided to just get wasted in his room away from this uneasy environment. He can't make himself comfortable here and neither could he pretend to belong here.

He was striding towards the lift for his room when he abruptly stopped in his way. He turned around and gazed at the advertisement which was currently running at the seams of the steel walls. It was common to find advertisements running at various places, even sometimes going as far as few expensive businesses have their services advertised in the asteroid belt in space.

Usually, the human brain by now has improved to ignore these neon running texts, or catchy billboards, or flashy symbols but it has also adapted to sometimes catch the interesting ones, usually, that have some benefit to us, out of loads of available ads. Various researchers consider this as proof of the potential of the human brain, validating the fact.

'Human brain still has a lot of room to evolve and as a species, we can achieve many more mystical things.'