
The headless Droid swung its blade, which surprisingly went above the head of the Crey who had closed his eyes to brace himself for the violent impact. He twitched in confusion as he looked up to see the blade going above his head harmlessly.


The steel blade smashed apart the drone which had raced towards it at a rapid speed. This drone wasn't the only one as rapidly Flying drones from various directions began to swarm around the headless droid. The small zooming drones ambushed from every angle, to which the droid responded by hacking them apart with its big blade.

"What is this?"

Crey winced as he ducked his head low to protect himself from getting caught in the wild swings of the blade of the droid. As fast as he could, he escaped the danger zone where the headless droid was getting dazzled by a sudden crowd of killer drones. It was jumping around, chopping randomly to hack down these annoying flies.

Crey understood that 'this' had probably saved his life, as Droid without its scanner head lost the ability to discern the priority living target, and was now assaulting the hostiles which were intruding its space. But these drones were way too small relative to large Robo. It was just like a bee swarm that was attacking a mad buffalo.

"Rey…." Suddenly Crey heard something vague and then stopped to concentrate on some sound among the large cacophony of battlefield uproars.

"CREY! Get out from there…."

A loud panicked shout fell into the ears of Crey as he turned around in quick motion,

"Don't tell me…"

After a few attempts, he finally spotted the Eyas standing off near the tower wreckage, he was mostly fine except for his bleeding skull as he seemed to be yelling and waving in fervor towards Crey.

"Oh damn!"

Crey was taken aback in relief to find Eyas alive. He was pleasantly surprised since he had seen him getting swallowed by that shell explosion. Despite convincing himself that he had not much emotional attachment to him, he felt happy seeing him alive and kicking.

Crey exhaled in relief as he snickered and shook his head. And for the warning of Eyas, he was not able to dwell on it as he was too busy settling his sentiments for the child. It was then, almost unexpectedly, the packed drones which were encircling closely the big droid began to chime aggressively.

'Beep.. beep..beep…..biiip..biip..bip bip!'

Crey gazed above, immediately realizing what is going to happen, and at this particular moment, the next half of scream of Eyas fell into his ears, overcoming the steady cacophony of the battleground.

".....They are gonna explode!"

Crey leaped and dropped down to the ground like a crashing plane, covering his head and ears. Almost in the next second, the swarm of drones detonated together releasing a blaze that swallowed up the Headless droid in the explosion.

The blast was so loud, bright, and eye-catching in the dark cold night that it soon attracted the attention of invigilators and Fighters in Mechas, who were there to keep an eye on excessive casualties. The fire and smoke released like a wave, for half a second even brightening the whole night. Eyas, who flinched hard from the scale of the explosion, looked extremely terrified upon seeing Crey being in the range of the blast.

"Oh, God! What have I done? "

Eyas whispered as he dashed towards the still simmering rumble, where black smoke and heat were still prevailing. Not wanting to think about the worst, he barged into the area, and quickly emotional tears began to form in his eyes. He would never be able to forgive himself if anything happened to Crey due to him.

"Please God, please God….please God!!"

He galloped while muttering as quickly he could, uncaring of the heat which was stinging his exposed skin and smoke that was choking his lungs. But suddenly in his distress of hurrying in a smoky area, he tripped and fell down on the scorched ground.

Eyas quickly rolled down the slope when suddenly a hand grabbed his collar to stop him from rolling directly to the center where Droid was lying after the explosion. Eyas cried in pain as he felt the burning metal wreck scar his skin and with his eyes shut he wasn't able to realize immediately that he was stopped by somebody.

"Oi, …are you alright? "

Asked Crey as he lightly tapped the bleeding face of Eyas who opened his eyes to discover Crey with a soot-filled face and half-burned hair but mostly alright, if you could ignore extensive burns on his skin. His skin was completely disfigured on his hands, arms, and his back as at some point, his shirt had burned away to expose his flesh to the unforgiving fire wave from the eruption.

Seeing his more than worse condition, Eyas even forgot to relax to see him alive, as with stinging watery eyes he asked in worry.

"Ar-Are you fine? "

Crey stood up as he gestured for him to get up, he turned around to look at the fallen figure among the smoking fire, of what is now an unrecognizable class A Droid. He motioned with his burned hand towards it,

"Be quick…..and see if you can stop it from starting again. …Go!"

"What? Is it not destroyed yet?"

Eyas was taken back as he spoke out while standing up, his tears drying up quickly in shock. The fear of that monster was much more than his sympathy for Crey.

Crey ignored him as he began to drag himself towards it, Eyas realizing that it wasn't time to dilly-daily, quickly overtook him to move towards the Fallen droid which only upon observing from close, he discovered. The once majestic black monster was no longer like its previously matte-finished, power-spurring look. It had been stripped off by an explosion to reveal its ugly but robust inner framework.

"Holy sh*t!"

Eyas breathed in awe and dread as he realized, even though Droid was reduced to an ugly inner skeleton. Most of its body was completely fine, with thick steel covering that had protected its inner wirings and technology. As he was just getting used to his shock, the machine unexpectedly came to life, as its center energy kernel began to release light.

"Ohhh… No No No!"