This is a Monster Hunter!

Eyad panicked as he gave his hands inside the stationary robot, trying to find some kind of panel or at least a core part to waste it before the droid stands up again. From his understanding, right before the explosion, the Droid AI had shut off the machine to avoid the destruction of its inner workings.

And now after surviving the blast, the machine was trying to start itself up again. If not for those several hundred droids he had hacked to self-destruct near Droid, they would have no possibility of defeating this monster machine. 'A' level droid was very very above their capabilities.

The large dynamo pistons in the knee joints and shoulders of the humanoid droid began to initiate, which further terrified Eyas as he was unable to find anything to affect the droid on its half-melted outer body.

He in a pure panic picked up an iron rod from the ground and began to stab and whack it on the inner wirings of Droid to stop it from standing again. And at this moment, Crey finally dragged himself up to the monster and yelled while suppressing his pain.

"Source! …look for the Power Source. Sever the source."

Without thinking, Eyas quickly crouched down and near the lower back of Droid, he found the biggest power cell he had ever seen in his life. Normally this thing is positioned in the base of the droid to equally distribute weight and is always hidden inside the thick plates of steel and alloy to protect it.

But the point-blank series of explosions, this time from every side, had mostly melted off the thick shielding outside, to make this double the average size of the Power cell compromised. He quickly used the rod to strike the metal plugs which were sucking the energy from it to start up the Droid.

Here Eyas, with panic visible on his face, was trying his best to destroy the connections, while on the other hand, the eight feet humanoid started to hum the familiar, but this time a more crude and loud noise of operation. The mechanical pistons worked heavily as he moved his weapon hands to anchor them on the ground for standing up.

Crey, who was holding up just because he was leaning upon the blade arm, felt the jolt and fell on his butt on the ground. He gritted his teeth and looked helplessly as the Droid stood up again. He glimpsed at his mangled leg, and then at his scorched arms and hands which were next to useless now.

Suddenly at this juncture, he heard the voice of an overhead buzz and looked up to see a flying mecha arriving above them. A ruddy crimson Super Mech, humanoid in shape almost the same height as an average human, floated above Crey who stared at it with a mixture of surprise and solace in his eyes. The mech hovered effortlessly as it overlooked and accessed the whole situation,

"Stay down, I will take over…."

His robotic speech output was interrupted as suddenly the Droid in the distance acted up. It suddenly rotated on its axle and slapped the Eyas with its cannon arm, who was still trying to snip the connections. A direct hit of a few tons of weight hurled Eyas away like a broken puppet. Eyas had his head blanked out the moment the physical trauma struck him and seeing him tossed away made Crey nearly blurt out in distress.


The Droid twirled 180 degrees back and raised its cannon to aim at the levitating target. The super mech fighter slowly looked down and gazed at the young Crey and 'tsked' in his mind,

"Okaaaay, let's do this closely then!"

Red Tigon-4 jumped down close to the Headless droid and extended its hand to bring a laser blade out of its arm. He flicked it and rushed forward without any delay. The headless droid, detecting the target shifting quickly, began to charge its cannon and pointed it to the relatively shorter mecha, at the point-blank range.

Crey understood quickly why the Fighter decided to fight hand to hand. The firepower exchange between two of these machines would surely turn him into ashes who was too close to this droid. Thus, he decided to finish this using the old method.

The Mecha rushing in suddenly ducked and bent down its shoulder. The machine's movements were fluid comparable to a human being, as he swerved away from the mouth of Droid's cannon. The abrupt evasion put Crey in the direct line of the shooting of Droid's cannon, which had nearly charged up.


Crey mouthed a curse as he saw the cannon lighting up. He never thought that he would die as collateral damage between the fight of two machines. All because the droid had lost its head scanner to keep up with the quick movements of Tigon-4, therefore now he was going to be blasted to death with that cannon.

Crey watched as the Cannon illuminated, but entirely unexpectedly the Tigon-4 doubled back and gave up on its clear shot to end the droid. It slashed with its plasma blade and severed the Cannon arm from Droid's shoulder just when it blasted off the cannon.

The half mechanical Cannon recoiled away and the shell went in another direction blasting off into the distance, in the process lighting up the night. Crey, who had his heart in his mouth, only managed to breathe in relief after a bright fiery explosion arose a little far away, ….but it wasn't over yet.

Droid, completely unaffected with the loss of an arm, taking advantage of the delay slashed its heavy broad blade to sever the Mecha into two from its waist. The quick Red Mecha leaped up and, using the chest of Droid as a springboard, vaulted around to land behind it. The propulsive energy blast from feet and quick reflexes helped the Tigon gain the necessary push to jump so high, but the move itself was performed so smoothly that it made Crey astounded.