Reason for changing his mind

To not only operate Mecha smoothly but also to counter the attack of Droid by spurring the energy propellants in the legs of Mecha, the skills of the Fighter operating the Mecha were phenomenal. If earlier Crey had little doubts, now he was completely sure that it couldn't be an average Mecha Pilot in there. If not Level 'A+', this Fighter is surely a level 'A' Mecha Pilot which is a benchmark for Special Military forces.

Crey even forgot to blink seeing the subsequent quick exchanges between the two heavy machines. Excuse the AI, but the skills of the man were more refined than the computer itself. It was like watching the epitome of what an Evolved Human could achieve through a Super Mecha.

"He…he is" Crey gulped dryly as he realized while watching the impressive Combat. He blurted out without any prompt, "...actually toying with it. "

"Haha…haha, I didn't know Level 'A' Droids were active during this exam. I was missing this sort of action. But I think it's time to end the fun."

The robotic mic mumbled from the Super Mecha as the red machine suddenly began to draw power to its mechanical limbs. The bright blade of plasma further began to glow vigorously in the night, as this time instead of dodging that heavy blade of Droid he chose to parry it.

Crey had his eyeballs fixed on the point of impact because normally that thin plasma blade is too weak to block that heavy slash. But as he anticipated, the plasma sword and heavy blade collided, and instead of breaking apart, the thin blade blocked the heavy blade without even budging an inch. The shockwave energy emerging from the collision shook the air around.


Crey watched as the short machine in front of the huge Droid halted its massive broad Iron blade without any effort. He only now understood that this super Mecha was pumping out the same level….no, more than the energy produced by that droid. In terms of strength, it was totally overshadowing the big Droid.

Suddenly, the thin plasma blade trembled and shifted tangentially as the pistons pumped out energy from the shoulders of Red Mecha to push against and it went right through the middle of the steel blade. The plasma blade severed through cold metal like a hot knife through butter and then with a strong slash it sliced the Droid into two portions from its waist.

THE LEVEL 'A' DROID didn't have any chance at all…..

Crey looked with shock as Mecha raised its head and looked straight at him. It raised its other hand and gave a cool hand sign. But suddenly, the two parts of the droid lying on the ground began to emit an obnoxious buzzing.

Knowing what it was, Crey nearly flinched but Fighter Mecha too wasn't unaware of the self-explosion protocol as he raised the blade and with three slashes further chopped down Droid into smaller pieces - carefully tearing apart all its connection to its power source stopping the explosion.

Crey heard whooshing sounds in the air, and as he looked up. Within the next few seconds, suddenly there were several mechas in the air, each of them the same model of Tigon-4. They quickly landed around the First Red mecha, who responded calmly to the group,

"Anomaly signature, Two emergencies who need immediate hospitalization! No active hostiles."

"Tell us the full report! "

The late-arriving Mechas quickly surveyed the area and grouped together to discuss something. But one of them moved ahead and halted before Crey. The Red-figure unwrapped open to reveal a Woman pilot wearing a breathable synthetic bodysuit who was connected with several clutches on her body. She quickly freed herself from restraints and hopped in front of Crey.

The woman Fighter observed the young man on the ground with a visible mangled leg. In addition to several other injuries, the severe second-degree burns all over his body gave her complete evidence of the struggle he must have gone through. The fact alone that the boy was still holding up was impressive to her. She withheld her impulse to fetch him quickly to the infirmary because if she lost her composure, it may prove harmful to him.

The thirty-year-old lady with pink hair, smiled amicably to calm Crey down as she thought he must be traumatized after going through a terrible incident, but she was surprised to see Crey returning her gaze without any visible emotion of trauma or misery. She again marveled at his robust state of mind.

"Hello, are you alright?"

Crey looked down at his mangled leg and replied in an urgent voice,

"I am…... You should first look for my friend over there. He needs immediate first aid."

The lady was taken aback but she acted quickly as she left Crey to find Eyas, knowing that protocol emergency should be handled first. While Crey who had calmed down from earlier amazement finally laid down on the ground as he thought in disappointment just before letting himself black out.


"I failed the exam! Guess, I am not meant for it, Old Man."

A flashback image of that room in which he spoke with his uncle just before the start of the exam flashed in his mind. The meeting where he changed his mind abruptly to take this exam seriously, along with the massive handicap of the Level-2 gene drug.

'In the image, his uncle was sitting on the chair submerged in shadows as he slowly disassembled his old prosthetic hand and placed it on the table. After that, he removed the green contact lens from his eyes and then a fake skin mask on his face. Crey watched with horror to see the Man, who he was familiar with most of his life, was suddenly not the man he knew.

The completely unfamiliar man that he still was not able to see due to him being in the shadows, extended his two arms in light on the table. The prosthetic arm on the right now was a completely different...too avant-garde model, from the earlier old dusty one his uncle had when he lived with him.

A deep, completely different voice from which he was familiar with his whole life originated from the shadows addressing him,

"You have to earn the privilege to know, Crey!".

You...Your past, Your parents…about the real me too.'