Perfect counter-strategy

"Kid, you stay here!"

Just after his voice chimed in with an unseen energy burst, the whole group of thirteen students hopped up and vacated the space for the Crey and Professor in the center.

Crey was surprised by the sudden change in his classmates. It was akin to a blood infusion given to dying corpses, those who were struggling to even sit up a few seconds ago and were now full of energy and fervor.

As he walked towards the center place, his eyes roamed quickly to observe the expressions of his classmates who were appearing a little too excited for this. He began to expect something wrong just from this, a perk owing to his pessimistic attitude.

'Damn! A slightly gloating expression with a mixture of sympathy in their eyes. Don't tell me he is going to trounce me to assert authority? '

Crey stood before Professor but still pretended to be confused as he asked simply,

"Sir, what would be the test? "

Half expecting him to laugh, he was surprised when the professor instead crossed his arms and answered seriously,

"We will spar! In close combat."

Crey's eye twitched as he sighed 'as I thought' internally. But before he could adopt a ready stance, the man's fast kick was already upon his face.

Forget about asking, he didn't even wait for him to get ready. Further convincing sadist attitude of this young teacher to him. Crey cringed as he ducked immediately but this time instead of following, his extended leg halted just above his head and remained there.

Crey who was Crouching, raised his eyes to meet the narrowed gaze of Professor,

"Good reflexes! What is your name?"

"Crey Morgan," Crey mumbled while he quickly rolled away, outside the immediate range of the Professor who beamed after seeing his action.

'Not distracted! Still eyes on the foe. Not bad! He has foundations.'

The teacher thought but soon a slight frown emerged on his forehead, as he muttered under his breath inaudible to all but him,

"Crey, hmm? Is he…."

In the distance, Crey stood up and raised his hands to guard his chest. Though his stance was looking very fancy, in reality, hiding from all he lifted his heels a little as he was preparing for a light footing to evade at the last moment.

Really free of distractions, in his head, only a single thought was hovering,

'Damm it, I shouldn't have come inside!' (Author -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ))

Professor abruptly dashed in and jabbed at the gut of Crey, who appeared to be shocked by the fast speed and tried to step back to evade but in the end, got folded squarely by that punch. He winced in pain as he staggered and collapsed down while clutching his painful abdomen.

The throng of the crowd similarly flinched with that punch. Though they wanted to witness the fun of a newbie getting thrashed. But somehow in their heart, they were more sympathetic to him as they too confronted this teacher just like this to get beaten down.

But after a few seconds of flinching, against mutual sympathy their gloating and jibing side won ultimately. As they gazed at the young man with dissatisfaction apparent in their eyes.

'The action was too little!'

They wanted to complain but suddenly realized that the boy was down already and the professor was free again. Not wishing to come under the attention of the Professor again. They fled, without any hesitation, from the room before they could get called out.

While on the other hand, the Professor appeared to be confused as he felt something was amiss. Though he had increased his speed, he didn't feel his punch connecting satisfyingly. So to the boy, it shouldn't hurt so much unless he has a really weak physique.

"Are you fine? Now I remember, You are a merit student whom General Dan had pledged, no? Don't tell me you are going to fail just like this. Oh! General Dan….."

He snickered as he gazed at the boy who was lying still on the floor like he was out. Crey hesitated as he was caught in a dilemma. What he executed earlier was a perfect timely strategy he could ever deliver, at least in his eyes.

There was no excuse, He was really startled by his speed and failed to act timely to evade it. And as a result, got punched hard in his stomach. But something he was trained extensively was only two things: how to kill and withstanding pain.

By intuition, Crey managed to twist himself a little to soften the blow at the last moment. And then clasping the heaven-sent opportunity, he acted while collapsing realistically to show that he was knocked out. Who said the only way out of trouble is to conquer it?

'Ahhh, it is rightly said that the slippery path to influence society is bluffing!'

Crey was musing upon this 23rd-century quote while feeling glad by the result of leaving students but unexpectedly this statement of the teacher had put him on the spot.

He cares naught for his reputation, but General Dan?

The warnings of his crass butler were still ringing in his ears when he bought him a modern expensive watch ID yesterday and completed all his administration formalities. If not for him, he would have to visit that Lady and Bradd again to get everything done.

"Remember kid, you have to act befitting a merit student. Keep some dignity and in any chance, I don't want to see General getting scorned because of you. Otherwise, I will personally come and break your legs before throwing you out."

Lying down Crey opened his eyes as he cursed under his breath,

'Tch! Who said to take favor from a grim old man. Damn you, uncle.'

He picked himself up slowly, still conscious to portray his part to be hurt previously. He placed the hand on his stomach defensively and grumbled to the Professor who was observing him with an interest.

"Okay sir, I can fall but could never let my guardian be insulted because of me. Hah!"