Sparring Apart

"SIR! I can fall but I would never hear any word of insult against my Guardian. Hah!"

Was it a rewarding and favorable dialogue? Yes!

Was it perfect in this situation to show one 's character, determination, and loyalty? Yes!

So, did Crey say it really?


Though he might be able to score some good points, Crey simply wasn't that grateful or loyal to Big Dan. Moreover, saying this out loud would break his own cringe meter.

He doesn't want to be in webnovel to say things like that while keeping a straight face. (Author - ^_^; )

In reality, Crey stood up while meeting the gaze of the Professor who was smirking. He bent his legs and it was him who shot toward the man this time.

The immediate charge further delighted the Professor who was already feeling good to see a Student pushing himself against him. Mowing down such defiant souls was his favorite pastime.

"Haha…Come on!"

Crey jabbed a light hook from the lower left while his eyes were upon a fixed point. The teacher reacted by twisting his body further toward Crey to evade and close distance simultaneously. He had a smile on his face as he watched that forceful left hook miss his chest.

That slight smile froze abruptly as he discovered only after being inches close to Crey. The kid's eyes were still fixed at some point which confused the professor. But before he could grab his shoulder, the left punch which had gone parallel to his chest halted mid-air and was pulled back diagonally.

'Oh! That was a feint?'

Crey had never meant to land that punch the first time as he bet on the hasty disposition of the Professor to end things quickly. He guessed he will close the distance no matter what, thus leaving him in an unguarded situation now.

His left punch curved back and struck the chest of the surprised Professor. Crey didn't hold back his strength as he too, wanted to measure the skill of the so-called Professors of this academy, especially this sadist.


The alarms flashed on the face of Crey as he felt the punch connect but….there was no reaction. The man received it without flinching. He grabbed that punch to lock him down.

'It's not the end.'

Crey used his locked hand as support to twist suddenly to land a kick on him. The teacher abruptly ducked down while pulling Crey down with him. Realizing the fall, he discontinued the right leg kick and lifted his other knee to land a blow on the chest of the yanking Professor.

The teacher immediately gave up on the lock. He flinched back and opened the distance between them. Crey landed on an unstable footing. But once again shot towards the backing away opponent. Suddenly he felt something wrong as he heard a teasing voice,

"Ah! Caught you."

The Reverse staggering Professor stopped suddenly as he opened his hands to grab his attack. He actually tugged towards his punch to receive it. Their hands connected and Crey felt his momentous punch halt immediately like it had struck an immovable wall.


Crey looked up, and their eyes met. The teacher grinned showing his white teeth. Crey heard the warning bells ringing as he suddenly lifted his thigh to protect his stomach but….was a little bit late. The teacher kicked using his metal leg to rail *against* his already bruised abdomen.

Crey folded down once again, as the kick hit the same spot but this time the assault was worse than before. He tried to grab the metal leg to lock it down but it was pulled back giving him no chance to follow up.

Upon missing the move, the Professor found his chance as he jerked the Crey towards him and then released the hold of his hand. While he prepared a powerful right hook aimed right at his lower jaw. Very felt his violent intentions but there was little he could do except try to evade it forcefully.

Unexpectedly Crey's eyes wavered. For a moment, he felt the anger rushing to his head upon feeling the threat from that punch.

He pushed his just freed hand towards the wide-open throat of the Professor who never expected it. As an assassin, to crush an unguarded throat, it was just a matter of seconds for him to rob his life. All while his hand slithered towards his neck.

Professor discovered his intention but dismissed it. He ignored it considering it an instinctual reaction of a beginner who is on the verge of losing.

But right at the moment, when Professor's punch was just inches away from Crey's face and his hand was en route to his unguarded throat. Sudden awareness washed in the eyes of Crey as he hesitated just inches before ripping away his opponent's throat. If everything continued this way, just after receiving the punch, his hand would dig into his neck.

Realization hit him hard in the head as he felt the world slow down. His eyes unfocused for half a second,

'What…am I doing? I don't want to kill him. This is just a spar.'

Comprehending this, Crey's eyes focused back as he paused and changed the trajectory of his hand abruptly. He pulled back his hand to nudge against the elbow of the punching hand of Professor.

The quick and unexpected push diverted the punch of Professor as it missed past the head of Crey who twisted his head in coordination with that well-timed deflect. Professor was astonished but not deterred as he raised his knee to slam against his abdomen in follow-up.

Third time again - attack at his abdomen. Crey felt the air forcefully pushed out of his lungs as he coughed up saliva from his mouth. He buckled with pain and collapsed on the floor while wheezing for the air. Seeing him maimed Professor stopped and shook his head in approval,

"I am impressed. You managed to keep up. Good kid, but still it's not enough to secure a Merit position on this level of strength alone.

Come on, stand up. This time we will both use our abilities. Show me the real you."

Professor was surprised by not only his hand-to-hand combat proficiency but also the raw strength he was packing. That punch on the chest nearly made him wince in pain, but due to his pride, he managed to remain indifferent somehow.

Yet clearly, skills and strength alone were not enough in this world. Now to become....No!, to even survive in the case of Merit students like him in this world. The ability of an evolved Fighter is everything. If he is competent to utilize an ability as good as his skills, it won't be long for him to improve himself as one of the best fighters on earth.

"Oi, stand up, and let's fight without holding back this time."

Professor chirped excitedly while he cracked his bones loudly. Crey who was once again on the floor, this time inhaled to calm his fury but ultimately failed to soothe his anger. The anger of being beaten, almost similar to when he was battered by that girl in VR.

The intense pain still lingered in his abdomen where he was attacked three times. This time he decided to fight 'just as the Professor said' - without holding anything back.