Practical Lesson

"Come on! Kid. If you won't stand up now, I will come to you instead. "

Crey thumped his fist on the tiled floor in anger and using its support he stood up. His face was still impassive but the clenched jaws were showing the resentment he was brewing for this Professor-cum-tyrant.

"Very well…good, good, now let's start at the count of three. It's been ages since I found a fiery one."

Crey narrowed his eyes as instead of charging at him, He turned defensive. The unfamiliar Professor once again smiled recognizing the reason why he was so cautious.

Without knowing your enemy, and his evolved ability, the best decision was to be defensive. Seriously, this kid was too easy to read.

But if he thinks this is going to be useful, he is still too rigid in his teachings. The man shot towards the Crey who watched carefully observing any exceptional tricks.

"Hehe! …"

The man leaped with his hands open like he was going to hug him. It gave the impression like his ability was something in which he needs to grapple his opponent was too conspicuous to be true.

Crey hesitated at obvious provocation but still chose to evade to be on the safe side. And as he expected, the grinning man was jesting as he leaped for the cartwheel and kicked right at the place where Crey was circumventing.


Crey 'tchd' realizing he was caught. The man was toying with him using the fact that he was apprehensive of his ability which could be anything at this moment. Therefore, he accurately predicted that Crey would evade by any means and used it to mark him down.

Crey crossed his arms to receive that kick. His mind half expecting and thinking of the next move, of how to take advantage of the Professor's misconception that he won't attack brashly. But just as he received that kick, his mind blacked out.


Crey numbed out as he looked up with a stunned expression and met the mocking gaze of Professor. Pain shot up in his body like an adrenaline rush crushing his will. Crey nearly felt his both arm bones cracking as he was flung like a tossed trash to the distance. Professor gracefully went back on his feet and chuckled,

"Kid, you are not flexible at all. Haha…if you assume that fighting is always a contest of skills and power.

It's nothing like you are trying to do by mimicking the textbook examples of fighting and fooling around with rigid strategies, mistaking yourself to be clever.

Let me tell you a secret 'Clever people are easiest to fool and intelligent ones are the dumbest'."

The Professor was chiding while he walked leisurely towards the kid who was lying on the floor. Crey was trembling in distress, as he groaned in pain while trying to stand up.

He held his arms together which were still shivering after tanking that much force. It felt like he had tried to halt a speeding metal car by his hands, not some random kick.

Crey first went to his knees to stand up, as his hands had become weak with no strength in them. He stood up with hanging arms and looked at the Professor with a mixture of grudge and something else in his eyes.

The professor failed to notice the change, as he was too busy teaching him the ideals of life. He looked and nodded his head upon seeing him standing up again,

"Remember! It's always more of wits and unpredictability in the fight. That's why we evolved humans, who are actually nothing in front of mechas and massive killer robots in terms of strength and efficiency. But still come out on top as a more valuable resource simply because we have adaptability. And the ability to alter any battle at any point."

He then pointed at him as he waved his hand at him,

"Let's stop. You are at your limits. And if you want to know what my ability is…."

Crey exhaled audibly as he stretched his leg behind and took the stance to dash forward. The teacher raised his eyebrows in provocation as he laughed,

"You still haven't learned your lesson! Okay, come and I will see what you have left. And make sure to use your ability or like the previous time you won't get any chance."

Just as Crey reached close, the man raised his hand and clawed forward leisurely to smack him down. Crey halted abruptly, with the sudden switch from motion to stillness even made Professor twitch in surprise. Making his yanking grab only empty air.

At this closeness, he finally noticed his expression which struck him as very eerie. With blank eyes, he stared back, like there were no emotions in them.

No visible emotion or even acknowledgment of pain in them, it was almost similar to when Crey first came into the room. He was completely calm and unbothered with no lights behind his eyes.

For no particular reason, this irked the Professor, who suddenly decided to take this more seriously than before to teach this youngster a proper lesson, necessary to humble 'Merit Kids' like him. He turned around and grabbed at the abdomen of Crey who was standing stationary at this moment.

Crey raised his knee to block his hand and once again the thousand-kilo force struck his bones. Professor smiled knowing that the kid still hadn't learned his lesson. He looked up fully expecting to see his painful expression as he was trying to figure out his ability.

But as he glanced at him, he was shocked out of his wits.

Crey returned the same blank gaze like that thousand-kilo clash of limbs was nothing to him. He looked down at Professor and opened his mouth,

"Dense bone structure - increases strength and striking force by more than four times. Defense and offense in one, passive ability which doesn't need any activation. Is that it? "

Before he could react at this exact moment, the training room was burst open from outside by a young-looking Professor who raised his voice the moment he saw them in conflict.

"Stop right at this moment, Instructor Quill!

Disengage right now, or I will ensure disciplinary action by Order Castor on you."