The Manhunt

In the deserted wreckage of a building where a five-man team of Team red was hiding. Upon hearing the 'kicking out' exclamation of Torr, One girl who had her tripod stabilized thick laser rifle aimed from the crack in the building across the destroyed flyover in the front and was focused on her scope, looked up from her gun towards a position where Torr was hiding, 

"Hmm. New guy, now? How is this possible? Do you know anyone new in our Elective? I don't think otherwise Professor.... "

"Concentrate!" A person rebukes harshly, interrupting her words making the Torr and the girl go back to focusing on their positions. They flinched and shut their mouths as in operation, nothing was more taboo than lazing around. 

Satisfied seeing them refocused, he decided to address the situation to not let any doubts prevail. Especially when he was the head of this small team. Therefore, this man continued in a monotone whisper,