Five Instructors of Close Combat Elective

In-room number 133, of the Virtual training building, which is also known among students as Virtual Battlegrounds. Currently, there were five different Instructors sitting in the semi-circle, their eyes fixed upon the several holographic TV screens showing live feeds of what was happening inside the war-torn City. 

Not Coincidentally, all the screens were currently displaying the students with Black colored badges on their profiles, which meant all of the students were members of Team Black. This room was the one booked by the combined Close Combat Electives. That is to see their Team Black, which comprises chosen students from these electives.

"These little Bastards! Why dilly-dally? Push forward and just bash them.

These Blue students are just evading and wasting time for their reinforcement to arrive, and against all-out push, they won't be able to face the full force of Aggressive assault."