Ank's decision

Crey heard Ank's cussing without any visible reaction, as he could acknowledge his grievance. After all, it wasn't like he deliberately went there late and messed up his game. 

In Ank's mind, Nathan, Sylvia, Abise….everything was accounted for but the person he knew nothing about, how could he account for him?

"Soo… are you now regretting that you talked with me without thinking first, in that Hotel? Maybe it would be unfortunate to you that you lost one chess piece. "

Ank snickered, 

"Not sure if I am happy or sad, that I misjudged your potential and didn't add you to the competition list. 

Maybe If I was certain that you were the real deal, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now, amidst a crowded road. 

The benefit is that I can at least be real with you, and talk with you about anything. 

Haha, we can even share secrets. Want to know my ability? Lol."