Blind Date

Ank was about to say something along the lines that if there is something really suspicious, why don't both of us check this out? But suddenly his gaze met Crey's eyes, which were giving a clear-cut message that he had no intention to play a hero. 

Ank didn't say anything as he turned around to walk out, while Crey behind him thinking that Ank may have taken that wrongly, sighed audibly as he piped up from behind, 

"Don't do anything foolish. If I am right, there are armed assailants in there. You will only die quicker against them. We should let…Enforcers handle them."

Ank halted suddenly at the door as he nodded without looking back and then walked out. All the while his face was having a guilty expression as he reflected on himself, 

'Ugh…. Actually, I wasn't going there. I am not a fool.