Aftermath Suppressed

"As confided to me by Ank, Both of you at that time were conveniently in the nearby Cafe just this close to the club. It was like you were extremely lucky. Huh!  And…"

At this moment, it was Crey who interrupted quickly to answer his question simultaneously, his voice still calm, clear, and confident. 

"That's because I wanted to check out the cafe and ended up meeting an interesting girl there. We hit up instantly, that's why we ended up being there for a long time.

Still, we wanted to visit the club as we had scheduled earlier, but we just pushed it to later. Fortunately, it happened and we weren't there or both of us would have been dead by now."

Major ignored his justified explanation attempt using the good 'fortune' excuse he had given him. Nonchalantly he continued, 

"And… the last call you guys had was when you were escaping from there and got stuck in traffic, right? It was with Abise who had allegedly separated from you earlier.