Can We Escape?

Crey nearly sucked a cold breath as he couldn't stop himself from reading in trepidation, having cold sweat form on his head. The report read further, 

"Since I had doubts about the story, I decided to investigate it personally. It was just to satisfy my curiosity and doubt, and about which now except you and Major Cook nobody knows about. 

The next day, out of schedule, I went to meet both of them, Enforcer Ivan and Harry, to question them personally instead of hearing a sketchy third-party report about what happened to them. 

I will skip straight to my conclusions after a brief chat with both of them. As I expected, quite shocking things came out that were both scary as well as provided a whiff of a conspiracy under play.

Two of them at first were very vague as they couldn't confirm which parts of their memory were imaginary and which were real. But upon some deep thought, both of them gave confirmation that they were hit on the head quite hard.