Resolve Threatened!

Two days passed by in a flash after Crey's discussion with General Dan and Major Moy. With the whole academy drowned in a weird yet gloomy climate, it was apparent he alone was not disturbed by it. 

The death of the Close Combative instructor was not only a stigma but a terrible hazard for other students too, since they could feel the clasp of the disturbing cloud above them. The only difference was that unlike them, Crey's anxiety lies mostly due to struggle with his own thoughts.

Crey tried to distance himself from all these notions. He didn't regret anything, as he was clear about his mindset. Why should he intervene to tell them the secret? And even if he proceeds to tell them that Assassin of Spyder is someone among them, will they be satisfied with just this info? 

Absolutely not! It will bring more trouble and a shining yet dangerous spotlight over his head.