Lightning Discharge!

Seeing the Fleur at his doorsteps, Crey knew he can't feign indifference anymore. If she is here, then it means she had conjoined some dots he had left behind inadvertently. He was trapped but….. 

But it also doesn't mean that he should straight up owe everything. 

"You should get back now! I will see you tomorrow."

Crey muttered as he moved to close the door but as he expected Fleur suddenly shifted ahead and slammed her hand, to stop it from shutting off. 

She glared at the Crey and asked one more time. 

"I said I want… to know everything. RIGHT NOW!"


There was a period of tense quiet between both of them as Crey glanced at Fleur. She was almost strained and exhausted looking like she was at the edge of her limit, but her glare was as freezing as it could get. He had never seen her like this before. Was it worth it? 

"Come in!"