Real Objective of Crey?

"Oscillator! Sir, May I ask if you are from the league?"

Crey exhaled as he slowly let go of the hand of the man, whom he had suppressed under him. In front of him, a bald figure wearing a leather coat walked in, along with his cronies from somewhere inside the underground building. 

He seemed to be that 'Tavern Leader' to Crey, and as expected he didn't give a single glance to the various people groaning in pain while laying around the feet of the masked man. 

The masked man gave him a long look like he was scrutinizing him, and the outcome he came to was that he was just a normal level 2 Fighter. But the exceptional calm look of this man made him wary. 

Therefore, he stopped as had no intention to really color this area in the blood. His goal from the start was to just meet this man so that he could ask for an Oscillator. Crushing his people was to skip the unnecessary steps in between.