Annual Competition

One and half months later….

Today was the day of the start of the Annual Tournament in Terra Academy, not only students, even the Instructors and Professors were looking forward to it. This competition marks the proper inclusion of first-gen into the Terra Academy community, and would not only make them compete with each other. But would also introduce them to second, third, and a few fourth gen students too.

But aside from the usual excitement, either consciously or subconsciously, there was also a wave of gloomy emotions flowing among the true higher-ups of the Academy. To the ones who really run the show behind the scenes, some things were weighing down on them like impending doom.

But on the other hand, unaware students were feeling exhilaration as the most awaited tournament was finally here. They could show their best, to make their respective Orders grasp the higher rankings which can give them much-needed funds and support.