Day Of Closing Act

"Oscillator?" Wade scrunched his eyebrows in question. Crey nodded his head as he thought that sharing knowledge would not harm him. After all, he was a budding Machinist Engineer.

"It has many uses but this one is set to produce very low sound waves that have a frequency almost bordering on the hearing capacity of the human being. That is, an almost infrasonic sound which can travel long distances and is bordering around 20 hertz but not more than that."

…and Assassination and underground organizations like Spyder, or others that operate in and around Earth work with it. Since the majority of the Assassins are Evolved Fighters who are raised by organizations themselves from childhood, these children have been trained to listen and pick up these almost infrasonic sounds that are unheard by Average Evolved.

It was a communication method unique to the inhabitants of the dark.