A plan to escape

"Boss, That money…."

The man with the Scorpio tattoo on his face mumbled lightly. He wasn't one to raise unnecessary complaints in front of this devil-like young man but the situation was complicated this time. There was a real problem only this young man could solve. 

Crey, who was lost in his own thoughts, suddenly looked up. The thug flinched lightly at his emotionless gaze but still managed to say the piece completely.

"Boss, it's…it's the money we have gathered! It is going to expire soon. I mean we can buy only one more night at the bar like this again. "

He concluded, and then waited for his response. But upon seeing his nervous attitude, the other two fellows too grew nervous. 

It was not like they have no clearance to know about such things. It was just that they were too trustful of the Scorpio tattoed man, from whom they never asked anything. They were just happy with their roles, and the share of the money they were getting from this.