
The morning of the next day, Terra city witnessed two bombshell news being dropped. A public bounty was issued by the Enforcer department as well as Terra Academy. Name and face of a young boy that hardly seemed to be twenty. Soon it raised the turmoil in the city, and the counterpart Powers of the city who became curious soon began to dig in to find the reason behind this action of the Academy. 

As for if they wanted to help or something else, It wasn't clear!

With undercurrents that were throbbing after this announcement, the underworld too saw the consequence of such gratuity. Technically due to strict entry and exit checks of Terra city. The underworld was much weaker in the city as compared to the other modern cities, but it wasn't absent. 

Now when such a desperate request was pulled forward by the Enforcer, the big names in the underworld were forced to assist the city, in favor of their continued survival.