Wake Up?

"Another day and another night of sprinkles ….they gotta shut up the 'drizzle' some day I swear…"

A man grumbled as he walked down the narrow metal lanes that were shielded by sidebars on both sides. The part of the city from where he was descending from the whole area was filled with criss-cross lanes like this, almost forming a flat platform. Going from one building to another and then to another…essentially connecting all buildings together. 

'They are our sidewalks!' When some tourists arrive and ask about this, it is the most common answer. It is not because they know what sidewalks really are, it's because the only answer in their experience satisfies them.

After all, what else can the natives like them say? They have been living here since they could imagine and to them, it is just the way it should be. Slowly, and steadily it had become part of them and now walking on one seems more comfortable…. even than taking those flying boats.