The Kraken's Bazaar

"It's called Genesis City, the man-made wonder built as one of the second largest cities on this planet. I heard the Li family built it back in the time of the dark ages. 

Now with a massive population of three billion occupants, it…is ruled by all humans present here together. It's both the richest and poorest city out there."

Crey's calm eyes slowly showed expression as he looked sideways and found the figure who was crying just a few seconds ago, now clearing up his act like it was not him who misbehaved while being drunk. 

His face was still a little red, but there was an improvement in awareness and clarity along with a little tinge of embarrassment in his blue eyes. The man slowly gathered to Crey's side and then sat along with him, like him with his back to the wall, shoulder to shoulder, and legs sprawled forward.

"You are fine now?"

"Hmm…" Allan rubbed the back of his head as he clamored,