Injured Little Bird

"Who the fuck are you now?" Yuki asked in an irritated voice. She was just idling around in her house when suddenly she felt a hostile person trying to enter her territory, but just as she was about to ignore it since her barrier would keep that person away, she didn't expect them to destroy her barrier which says a lot. That person is strong.

So she got out to only see a kind of familiar look, but she couldn't remember who that person was. Yuki only felt Sou Mei's look to be familiar because of the woman that she had met earlier, but she had already forgotten about her since she didn't remember all of the useless things that happened in her life. But when she finally saw and heard Sou Fei screaming at her to release the woman under her, she suddenly remembered her existence. From that, she knows that these two are mother and daughter, and it is obvious since both of them are stupid and don't think of the outcome of their actions.

"Who am I? Is that really the right question to ask right now?" The man said arrogantly as he looked over at Yuki with a lustful gaze, looking over at the beautiful woman in front of him, he couldn't contain his overgrowing lust over him. In front of him, Yuki was probably the most beautiful woman he had ever since in his entire life, even the Princess of Nightingale couldn't compare to the beauty of the woman in front of him.

"What you should be asking, is how are you going to repay me after bullying my wife and daugh-," Before the man could even finish his words, he was cut off by Yuki who appeared in front of him so fast that he wasn't even able to react to it.

"I asked you a question and the normal thing that you should do is to answer it, not spout any nonsense. But if you really want to play that game, then I'll play with you." Yuki answered coldly as she lifted Sou Fei's father in the air by gripping his neck making him unable to breathe properly.

As the second passes, he feels his consciousness slowly fading away as all of the air in his lungs begins to disappear, but before he can truly lose consciousness. He felt the grip on his neck slowly and just as he was about to strike back in anger, he found that he couldn't speak.

"What, you can't speak now right? Are you perhaps missing this?" Yuki asked as she showed him a bloody-looking tube with a smile hanging down on her face that made him shake in fear, but right now he couldn't even utter a single word as his windpipe (Trachea) had been taken out by Yuki.

"That's more like it, now you seem more of like a decent being. But I guess, you are still going to need this thing right, so how about I give it back to you?" Out of the remaining kindness in Yuki's heart, she even offered to return his windpipe to him, but after being asked such a question he only felt more fearful towards the woman.

In his whole life, he has never been this scared even after living for centuries. But the woman in front of him was on a whole different level, she was like the embodiment of fear. After meeting her, he only thought that she was just a powerful woman whom he could control after defeating her in, and after that, he would be able to make her submit to her to freely do whatever he wanted with her, but never would he ever think that she was even more powerful.

"Now… I'll give all of you one last chance to survive. Don't even show your face to me ever again, or else I will slaughter every single one of you along with the rest of your family and those who have ties with you. Now… fuck off." Yuki said while chaining all of their bodies by digging Ice Chains onto their flesh before throwing them all together.

Yuki sighed and looked at her bloody hands with a deep gaze, just as she was about to wipe the blood off them. She saw a beautiful scene before her eyes, the blood stains on her black cloth gloves began to slip right off them like they didn't even stick to them. It was the power of the Magic Circle that her Mother had developed onto the gloves, Yuki thought that it was very good, and maybe she could even copy it.

After seeing that everything was already clean, she was ready to take her leave when she suddenly heard rustling in the bushes near her, and just as she was about to send a warning shot in that direction. She instantly stopped when she saw who it was.

"Yaoyao? Why are you here, Yumie and Katsumi should be with you, right?" Yuki immediately rushed over to where Yaoyao was and picked her up, but when she did, her cleaned hands got stained once more by blood, and when she saw this, everything in her surroundings started to freeze. Whether it was the ground, grass, trees, or even the animals, none of them had escaped the cold aura that Yuki was releasing.

A.N I'll just address Yaoyao as she for now since the gender hasn't been revealed yet, and I want to make it a surprise for the future.

"Never mind that you don't have to answer me. Eat this, it will make you feel a lot better." Yuki said gently as she took back her terrifying aura and fed Yaoyao a small pill that she made to heal all of the injuries that she had. After cleaning Yaoyao's entire body, she saw that she had become a lot bigger, she couldn't see it before as she was entirely covered in blood and injury that she didn't focus on, but now that she was seeing more clearly. She can see that she has grown a lot.

"Chirp! Chirp!" Yaoyao suddenly opened its beak to chirp loudly and in the eyes of Yuki, she could clearly see that she was distressed about something, and even though she was extremely worried about it, she didn't ask anything about it. She already knows that both Katsumi and Yumie are safe after checking the contract that ties between them, she felt that both of them are safe and sound and there was nothing to worry about.

From that, it could only mean one thing. Yaoyao was separated from the two and got into an accident while she was flying around the world to look for her since she couldn't find the other two. Even though the two still haven't made any contract, Yaoyao would be able to tell where she was since she has a very good sense of smell.

Because she was so far away, Yaoyao was probably distressed about it and got into some accidents on the way which explains why she was full of injury when she found her and that is why she is so tense and fearful right now. Seeing this, Yuki's heart softened as she then gently patted Yaoyao's head to calm her down.

"You don't have to worry about a single thing, you are safe now. You are with me now." Yuki said in a gentle voice as she slowly then slowly walks back to her house while patting and calming Yaoyao down.