Bidding them Farewell

Her words were just as Fumiko was expecting, full of arrogance. But that is something that she always liked about Yuki, she was always confident in what she did, and she never showed any type of weakness. Even if she is not confident in doing something, or it is her first time doing it, that will affect her, she will always be confident in everything she does.

"Well… what did I even expect from you at this point? This is what you are… and I love you for that~" Fumiko showed a gentle smile as she wrapped her arms around Yuki's neck to which she responded by wrapping her arms around her slim waist.

"What can I say? Not only I'm beautiful, sexy, rich, and everything that you can think of, except for being nice. I'm perfect in any way even with that~" Yuki said slyly as she then came closer and stole Fumiko's lips without any warning without even caring if there were people watching her.

Chisato who was watching this widened her eyes, she then quickly turned to her side and blocked her new little sister's eyes to prevent them from being stained. She was far too young to see something like that, and even though the same thing could be said of her, she was different as she was very mature for her age. She was born from the mind of Yuki and the blood of her two daughters.

"Stop it! Don't you have no shame left in you!? There's little kids nearby…" Fumiko said shyly but she didn't push away Yuki, she just hid her face by burying her face in Yuki's chest which she found amusing. She was so shy after being seen by just a few people.

"Alright, I'll stop. So don't cry, please. I would hate to see you crying because of me." Yuki said as she eased her by promising that if she were to kiss her again, she would ask for her permission, especially if there was another person nearby who could see them.

Fumiko didn't say anything, but she had a smile hanging on her face when she heard Yuki's promise to her which calmed her down a lot. For Fumiko, kissing was normal for lovers of course, but doing it in public is the thing that she always hated because she felt like if two people were truly in love, they didn't need to show it to other people to prove it. Just them loving each other was fine.

"Now, just like what I promised all of you. I will let you live, think of this as a reward for seriously sparring with my wife." Yuki said as she turned around facing all of them who were just quiet and they were just too scared to do anything, they were of course afraid of dying.

But when they heard Yuki's words, all of them felt so happy that they could jump around in the air out of pure happiness of being alive after facing death. They were really happy to hear that they were going to survive after offending a strong and mysterious person like these two couple, though they also know now that they were in the wrong. They were smart, so they knew that they offended her by going inside her territory without any prior notice.

"Thank you so much, Lady…" A man spoke up and thanked but because he didn't know her name, she just called her Lady that more seemed appropriate than any other name.

"It's fine, but let me ask you this first before you leave. What were you trying to do? It seems that you were chasing something or someone and you guys even went inside my territory just for that." Yuki asked curiously even though in reality she already knew the answer to her question, she just wanted to do some mind tricks on them.

"We're really sorry about that again, Lady. Please forgive us for our rude behavior before. But to explain, we were chasing a Phoenix that got away from our hands, and we already managed to put a tracker on its body. The tracker said that it was here, so we unknowingly offended the Lady by invading your territory." Another person spoke as she then explained what they were trying to do before they invaded her.

"Oh, is that so? I actually saw that Phoenix, I even tried to shoot it down, but I missed it. The only thing that I got was this piece which is the tracking device. It already ran away by the time you got here." Yuki lied without batting an eye as she then took out a tiny needle that served as the tracking device for them.

"Oh, then we're truly sorry for that then. It seems that we only needed to talk in order to solve this issue, if you like we would like to invite you to our Town to properly apologize to you two for making such a mess?" Someone offered but, Yuki just refused since she doesn't want to get involved in any of them.

"Oh yes, I'm sure that you guys would get punished for not carrying out your job properly of hunting the Phoenix, so I'll give you this instead so at least you have something to show." Yuki then handed them a bloody little feather that she took out from Yaoyao's body since it was part of her that contained the tracking needle that they used. After that, she bid farewell to them and watched all of them leave with smiles hanging down on their faces.

What she just gave to them was big since a feather of a Phoenix was a True Treasure when she even looked at it, it was already Ranked Black. Which was so high considering that Yaoyao was just a newborn Phoenix, if she was an adult, its value would go even higher.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, I hope we can repay you someday with something worthy of this gift." All of them thanked but Yuki was already not listening to them, she just nodded her head to try and get them out as fast as possible.

"Alright, if that is all we will take our leave now, Lady. I hope the next time we meet, it's going to be a much more pleasant one than this." All of them then bowed slightly before taking their leave.

"Yeah, if fate decides it, then we will definitely meet again~," Yuki said mysteriously as she walked back to their house.