Introducing Yuki Part 1

After finally getting rid of the unwanted guests, Yuki could finally have the peace that she wanted. But she also knows that it is just going to be a temporary fix as there is no possible way that this is going to be the end of all of it. They would surely come back and if Yuki was correct, they would bring an elder or maybe even someone higher in their Family to think about it, they were not just some old fools, they were far smarter than the people who just left. 

Yuki was sure that they were not going to believe what she said to them if she managed to trick those arrogant little kids, the same thing could be said for those old people who have a lot of experience. But if they were to really come, there would be only two outcomes possible.

One is that they don't believe her and find her, but they hide their intentions by masking it to thinking that they want to repay her for helping them by inviting her to a dinner or a party, but in reality, they have bad intentions towards her. The second is they would just go to her and start an all-out war with her. But no matter what they do, she doesn't care because she will still obliterate all of them.

So when she got back, she put all of her thoughts away and just focused on Yaoyao who was still sleeping.

"That's good, it seems that she is getting better. It's good that I came prepared and pulled out that Feather from her body or else they wouldn't believe what I said to them." Yuki said casually, but the moment that those words came out of her mouth, Fumiko already knew what she planned beforehand.

Fumiko got even more confused than before because she didn't expect Yuki to pull a feather out of Yaoyao's body. But when she heard how Yuki easily lied between her teeth just to kick out all of those people, she immediately understood why as she also saw that needle that seemed very strange. So when Yuki lied about it, she understood why she had to do it, but she also knew that it wasn't a permanent fix, it would be just temporary as they are still going to come back.

"Yeah, it even seems that she is about to wake up," Fumiko said as she got closer to Yaoyao, and as if she sensed her getting closer, she woke up immediately, but it was not something they were expecting. She immediately cried loudly and out of impulse, she released her flames which immediately started to burn everything it touched, luckily Yuki was fast to put everything out which prevented a worse outcome than what already happened.

"Yaoyao, don't panic. Look at me… everything is fine, you are safe now, no one's gonna hurt you." Yuki said with a broken heart, she was very familiar with that kind of reaction, it was the reaction of a person who was ready to fight until the very end of his breath, they may seem sleeping, but their mind were completely awake as in a time of war, you cannot sleep because you will never know when an attack would happen.

Yuki was very sad when she knew this because that alone already explained what Yaoyao had experienced while she was out and she didn't blame her daughters for this, and if she felt something about it other than sadness, it was endless bloodlust and anger towards the people who did this to her. Now she regretted the decision of letting those guys live, if she could go back in time, she would have murdered all of them.

Fumiko saw this and she just held Yuki's hands to try and calm her down because if she didn't, Yuki might be the first one to engage in an all-out war against them, and not them.

"Please calm down, I know that you are angry, and I'm angry too. But please don't do anything reckless that would just make things worse." Fumiko said quietly as she reminded her and it worked as the bloodlust in Yuki's eyes slowly began to fade away.

"Yeah… I'm sorry if I scared you." Yuki apologizes as she then goes closer to Yaoyao and sits next to her, this is when Yayao finally notices that there is no one who is going to harm her, it's just her Master and her Wife. She then flew straight into her chest and began to cry as she missed the warmth of Yuki.

"Just let it all out, no one is going to judge you here. I promise you this, for the ones that have hurt you, I'll pay it back a million times over." Yuki said and she masked her bloodlust so much that Yaoyao didn't feel any danger, but rather she felt safe around her Master's arms.

"Would you like to come with me? I'm going outside to do some stuff." Yuki asked Yaoyao attentively, she wanted to see her reaction to whether she got trauma from going outside because of what happened. That was the last thing she wanted to happen to her because trauma is one of the hardest things to cure, no medicine can cure it, and the only way to cure it is for the person to face his/her fears with the support of a family of friends.

"Chirp…" Yaoyao nodded her little head and gave a small noise saying that she wanted to go and when Yuki heard it, she was glad and so was Fumiko. It seems that she didn't get any trauma from what she experienced outside.

"Okay, then come with me. You can come too Fumiko, the more people the better." Yuki smiled as she stood up slowly while holding Yaoyao in her hands and invited Fumiko to come with them to which she immediately said yes. There was no way that she was going to refuse the offer that Yuki gave her.

"Alright! Let me have a few minutes, I'll change clothes to a more appropriate one." Fumiko said as she then ran upstairs to change her clothes and 10 minutes later she came down looking even more beautiful with everything done. Her face, clothes, and even accessories everything match her greatly which just really makes her stand out.

Yuki was once again smitten by her beauty and when she thought about it again, Fumiko would definitely cause some attention towards her, and just thinking about it made her mad. She was jealous that there would be other people who could see the beauty of her wife. Fumiko noticed this, but she just chuckled as she enjoyed looking like this especially when she was going out with Yuki.

"Oh yeah, how are you going to go out? Almost everyone who saw us knew us as sisters, but now you suddenly grew big, wouldn't that make people suspicious?" Fumiko asked curiously as she wanted to know how she was going to deal with it.

"Then, I won't be your sister anymore. They can't see my face anyway, so just introduce me as your Wife. End of problems, also say that your sister went back home to our parents." Yuki shrugged as she wore her Fox mask back and exited their home with Fumiko following her from behind.