Eating Blood for the First Time

Just as the two were chatting, the food that they had ordered had finally arrived, and just the smell alone of it made Fumiko's stomach growl in hunger which caused a chuckle from both the man and Yuki. Hearing them chuckle at her, her face turned completely red in embarrassment and to ease it a bit, she slapped Yuki which just backed fire on her as Yuki's chuckle got louder.

"Come on now, you don't need to be that embarrassed. Feeling hunger is a natural thing, why do you have to be embarrassed about it?" Yuki said while patting Fumiko's head to calm her down.

"That's easy for you to say. We are different. I easily get embarrassed and you know it, but you on the other hand don't, and it's because your shamelessness has no bounds." Fumiko said as she removed Yuki's hands from her head before grabbing a pair of chopsticks and started eating in silence.

Yuki just laughed it off once more because she was right, she just doesn't care about what other people think of her in what she does, she couldn't care less about them, she will do whatever she wants and have no shame about it. But not wanting to say anything more, she also grabbed herself a pair of chopsticks and started eating the food in front of her, and the moment she put one in her mouth, she was pleasantly surprised to find that it was delicious.

At most, she was expecting the food to be fair, not good, not bad. But it was delicious instead, she even finds eating the food here to be enjoyable, even though the food seems too simple, the flavor was very good. This made her think about what she could do about this young cook, she had already bought the restaurant just a few moments ago, and she wanted to fire everyone working there simply because they were not her own people.

And in just a span of 10 minutes, everything that they have ordered has been eaten with Fumiko eating the most out of the two. This time she didn't get embarrassed about it, but if she was still a normal being, she probably would. Because like any other woman, she also cares about her appearance the most, so she always wants to be in shape all the time, so she always tries to not eat too much, but now it doesn't matter.

"Do you want to eat more? We can still order some more food." Yuki suggested after seeing Fumiko eating so happily after quite some time.

"Ah, no. I'm alright, but I do want some dessert though, so why don't we check out the stall that the owner recommended?" Fumiko rejected and instead just offered to go check some desserts since she was craving something sweet now.

"Alright, then let's go-" Just as Yuki was about to go up, an old man walked up to them with a tray in his hands, and before she could say that they didn't order anything more, the old man just smiled at her.

"Oh don't worry, young lady. This is my thanks to you for what you did to my son, thank you very much because if not for it, he wouldn't be this happy." The old man said as he then placed two plates of what seemed to be pie in Fumiko and Yuki's eyes.

"This is our specialty, it is an apple pie that has been marinated with the blood of a Black Tortoise. We are actually known by this and even some nobles order this pie from us, so please have a taste." The old man said as he then looked at them happily while waiting for them to take a bite, but what he didn't know was that giving the description that the food had blood in it made Fumiko's hunger completely go away.

Of course, she was not a vampire like Kurokami, so she would find eating or drinking blood to be disgusting, but she also knows that blood is the most common food for Vampires, not even meat. That is the reason why she wanted to eat in this place because she actually serves meat, not blood products.

Occasionally, Vampires would still eat meats or even pastries, but most of the time they are still served with some blood in it, just like with the apple pie this time. Instead of getting what Fumiko was used to which was just plain fruit, it had blood in it which made her lose her appetite.

But Yuki on the other hand didn't care about it and was merely curious to see how it would taste, so without even thinking about it anymore, she grabbed a knife and cut a slice off. When she finally lifted it up, it instead looked like it was a blueberry pie because of the color and the way it was bleeding, but it was the blood that was in it.

And without any second guesses, she sliced a piece using her fork before putting it in her mouth, and just as she expected it to be, it was the taste that she thought it to be. It was still sweet and tasty because of the apples, but it had another flavor, like a metallic taste in it too. It was good, but she just didn't know if Fumiko would like it.

"Try it, it's actually good, just think of it like this. A very good apple pie with like the scent and taste of blood." Yuki tried to describe the taste in the best way possible to Fumiko just to have her try it and it was because she also doesn't want people to get suspicious of them by not eating any blood.

After getting encouragement from Yuki, Fumiko steeled herself and also sliced a little piece before nervously putting it in her mouth, when she finally began to chew it, she found the taste not to be that bad, she wouldn't mind eating it, at most it was better than what she expected. So without any more fear, she sliced a bigger part and began eating normally.

"Hahahaha… I'm so glad that you liked it, now I won't take any more of your precious time, I will take my leave now. So please enjoy your food." The old man said with a satisfied smile before finally taking his leave and leaving the two all alone again.

"I told you it's not bad. You are just not used to eating this kind of food, that is why you are afraid of eating it." Yuki said before slicing another piece from the pie and placing it on their plate.

"Yeah, I guess it's not that bad…"