Offering a Job

"Yeah, I don't even know how you can eat that without squirming, it does taste good, but I just can't try to make myself eat Blood," Fumiko said as she finally finished her portion of the pie and didn't want any more.

"I can understand that, but you do know that back on Earth, there are already some people who eat blood right? Of course what I'm referring to is the blood of animals, such as pork and chicken. Those things are pretty common you know, especially in some parts of the Sout East Asia." Yuki lightly chuckled as she explained why her eating blood was not something out of the ordinary since she had already eaten blood in the past.

"I can't deny that…" After that, Fumiko no longer had anything to say so she just stayed quiet and relaxed herself to ingest all of the food that she just ate. Even though she was a cultivator now, it was quite hard for her to get full-on food, so she really ate a lot of food that made her full. She doesn't even want to move right now, she just wants to lean on her chair and relax.

When Yuki saw this, she only had a smile on her face, and even though she was eating, she still had her mask on halfway, which made it hard for other people to see what she looked like. Though it made it hard for her to eat and drink, she didn't care about it because there was going to be a lot more danger if she showed her face, and a word somehow got out that she looked exactly the same as Fumiko's little sister.

Yuki pulled out a blanket and placed it on top of Fumiko's body who seemed to be already asleep after lying down in the chair for a few seconds, even though it was going to be troublesome for her to take Fumiko home, she just let it go since she knows how tired she was. Plus her sleeping would let Yuki do what she wanted to do for quite some time now.

"Hey, little man. How much do you make in a day selling these foods?" Yuki walked up to the counter where the man was and asked how much he made in a single day.

He was shocked when he was suddenly asked such a question because he didn't think that the cold woman in front of him would ask such a thing, he initially thought that she was going to ask him to clean their table. But it seems that he was wrong.

"Not too much, even if I combine my stall and my parent's dessert stall there, we can only make about 500 Gold a day which in today's time is not a lot. That is on average though, but if we get special orders from Nobles, then it can shoot up to a few thousand. But it's rare for that to happen though, only when a big occasion is up then some Nobles will actually place order." The man explained how much they can make and Yuki was slightly surprised at it.

It seems that there is more about the Heavens that she doesn't know, even though every Heaven uses the same currency, the prices in each Heaven are different. Because back in Mystic Dragon Heaven, a salary of 500 Gold Coins was something hard to get. Only Nobles can get such an amount.

"Oh, forgive me for my rudeness. But my name is Yuki, I'm sure you have heard of it since your place is actually quite close to that restaurant." Yuki introduced herself and she then waited for the man to also introduce himself to continue what she was going to say to him.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry too. My name is Daniel Clifford." Daniel embarrassingly introduced himself as he also couldn't believe that he actually forgot to do that from the very beginning.

"Alright, Daniel. I'll go straight to the point, Would you like to work with me? I can give you 10x the amount of what you are getting if you join me." Yuki offered him and because his parents were still around the area, they couldn't help but hear the offer that the woman they just met was giving to their son.

Hearing her offer blew Daniel's and his parents' minds because that kind of amount was only in their dreams, being paid 50 thousand Gold a day was just unbelievable for them. It was too much just too much money being involved which made them a bit skeptical about it.

"Fufufu, you guys don't need to worry that much. Your work is going to be completely legal because I actually want to hire you as the head chef of my new restaurant. I saw that you are pretty good at what you do, so I want to hire you because of it, but of course, that choice is still up to you. Will you accept it or not?" Yuki asked as she explained to them that she was not doing something shady and asked what kind of job Daniel was going to take if he accepted.

"Head Chef? What? But I'm just a simple side-stall chef? How can I be the head chef of a restaurant that Lady Yuki owns?" Daniel was now even more shocked after hearing what Yuki wanted him to do, even his parents were shocked. Never would they think that someone like them would have the chance to work in a high-class restaurant like that.

But that is where they are wrong, in the first place, Yuki already has no plans to keep the restaurant like what it was before. She was basically going to change all of it, from a high-class restaurant, she's going to turn it into a middle-class one so that it was going to be accessible to everyone. Not entirely everyone, but she's going to make sure that a lot of people would be able to go there.

All of that is just a facade again, the reason for her doing it is just to make an image for herself, and doing this would be very efficient since she is capturing the hearts and eyes of the people around her which was the strongest. Because no matter who you are, the ones who can take you down easily are going to be the people.

"Can you give me time to think about it first, Lady Yuki? This is a big matter and I think that I need the help of my family for this because this offer will change my life forever." Daniel said as he bowed his head and apologized a little for not giving a straight answer straight away to which Yuki just shrugged it off since she already knew that there was only one outcome for this.

And that was Daniel choosing to work under her, she was already confident that he was going to agree with her, so there was nothing to worry about. So she just then gave him an address where he could go once he finally decided what to do with her offer.

After that, Yuki walked beside Fumiko before lifting her up in her arms before flying away back to their house, since the sun was still pretty much out, Fumiko woke up along the way.

"About time you woke up, you slept for about 20 minutes or less," Yuki informed her before flying a little faster now since Fumiko had already awoken from her sleep.