Skadi's True Power

Once those words came out of Skadi's mouth, Yuki's interest was not piqued because she now also wants to see if she truly has the right to be that confident with her. So without saying anything, she just nodded her head and made herself a chair using her Ice Magic before giving the signal that Skadi could start with her little stunt.

Her actions only made the people with Skadi even more shocked than they already were because Yuki was really treating Skadi as if she was a lowly person, they clearly see and feel that the woman in front of them doesn't much care about the previous Queen of Nightingale.

That alone was shocking enough, but what was even more shocking was how patient Skadi was with her because they knew her personality very well. Skadi was a very impatient person and most importantly, she hated rude or just an undisciplined person in general, and that person was Yuki right now. Because she wasn't even giving Skadi the respect that she deserved and even if she was a Queen before, she was still a major part of the Royal Family which alone stood out enough why she should be respected, but it was clear that Yuki doesn't give a care about it.

Skadi wasted no more time as she started to present what she could do with her powers and just for this moment, she didn't hold anything back. She used every Skill that she had with her Ice and Blood Manipulation to try and lure Yuki over to her.

The very first thing that she did was simple, she first made an Ice Golem and then infused it with her blood to make it alive. Just like that, she was done and when she was about to show it to Yuki, she was surprised to see that she had already done the same, and she was even controlling it to destroy the Ice Golem that she made.

"Is this really it? This is the thing that you want to show me? Sadly for you, I already know this, I even learned it myself without any guidance. Come on now, get serious, anybody with a brain can do this." Yuki sneered before snapping her fingers to destroy her own Ice Golem, but when she saw that nothing happened, she slightly froze, and when she saw the smirk in Skadi's eyes, she immediately knew that this was her doing.

"Oh, that is not what I was trying to do. I already know that you can do this because first of all, you are not normal. Rating you using a normal scale is wrong because you are an abnormality in the Immortal Realm. Try again, control your Ice Golem, you have already built the blood veins, right?" Skadi said arrogantly as she let Yuki try and take back her control with her Ice Golem

But as Yuki tried again, she found that she couldn't do anything to it. She couldn't move a finger on her Ice Golem and even if she tried her hardest to control it, she just couldn't try it, and when she was about to give up and let Skadi do what she wanted, she saw the Ice Golem that she made dancing as if it was taunting her. Immediately, Yuki's face darkened at this.

"I'll give you one guess to try and know how I'm doing this. If you get this wrong, you'll agree to be my disciple. But if you guess it, then I'll leave." Skadi said confidently and Yuki couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this because she already knew how Skadi was controlling her, but when she saw that confidence, she began to re-think her answer.

'Fuck, this woman… It's clear that this woman is controlling my own Blood. After all, Blood Manipulation is a very free skill, it doesn't matter if it's your blood or others, you will still be able to control it. Wait, don't tell me?' Yuki was shocked when she finally came to a conclusion, she then removed her Fox Mask and looked at Skadi coldly.

"Are you controlling my Ice?" Yuki asked coldly as she was now sure that it was her Ice that Skadi managed to take control of. Even though it seemed that it was unlikely, it was the only answer that she could come up with.

She thought of this because when she was trying to control the blood veins of her Ice Golem, she found it weird how she could control it so easily, she thought that she was just managing to win over with that, but that wasn't the case. Skadi never had any intention of controlling the blood veins, her real goal was the Ice Golem's body. But it was very unlikely because there was the Heaven's Law or Rule that she once read.

No matter how powerful a person is, they cannot control someone else's or the elements in their surrounding. It was a weird law that Yuki had read when she saw it, she even thought how stupid the Primordial Gods were for creating such a Law. But she just saw one, so she didn't fully believe it just yet. Blood Manipulation was the only exception.

Even though she can somehow do it, it is not like Skadi's because she needs to do something first, which is to corrupt that Element with her own. That is the thing that she has seen because even her daughter Yumie could do it.

"Oh, are you have already read about Heaven's Law, huh? Well, you are right about that, but that doesn't affect me. Though you are right, I can control someone else or even nature's Ice without being stopped. You want me to actually show you how powerful this Skill is?" Now it was Skadi's turn to be smug.

"Do it then, I'm interested now. I won't back down, I'll be your disciple, as long as you actually teach me this." Yuki didn't care anymore as she already lost, she didn't even try to find a loophole. She agreed to it and she wouldn't be petty and try to do something.

"I'm just going to do something very simple, tell me if you feel something, alright?" Skadi said as she then began to take full control of Yuki's Ice Golems as Yuki was waiting for what she was trying to do, she was quite disappointed to see that Skadi only made her Ice Golems bigger.

But when she was about to sigh in disappointment, she suddenly felt her body getting weaker, and when she found the reason behind it, her eyes widened in shock.

"So you finally felt it, huh? You felt your Qi getting drained, right? Well, that is my power, if you thought that my using your Ice would use my own Powers, you're wrong, because I', not using my Powers, I'm using yours. I can even drain you right now if I want to~" Skadi smiled as she began to rapidly grow the Ice Golem which sped up draining Yuki's Profound Chaos.

"What the fuck…" At this point, Yuki couldn't believe that something like this was possible, and there was only one question in her mind.

'How the fuck can she use my own Profound Chaos?'