Waking Up in a Different Body

When Yuki woke up, she was surprised to see that the two women who were sleeping by her side were already gone, and when she looked at her surroundings, she was even more shocked to see that it was not the bedroom that she remembered sleeping in. Because of this, an irritated look on her can clearly be seen as she then stood up before talking coldly.

"You fucking pieces of shit… I thought that I made myself clear when I said that I don't want to talk to you Primordial Gods anymore, so why the fuck are you using another Illusion to me, huh?" Yuki asked in an insanely cold tone, but when no one answered her, she got even more irritated, and even with her Passive Skill that keeps her emotion in check remained useless as it was clear because of the dense bloodlust that she was releasing.

Just as Yuki was about to warn them again, a person suddenly rushed into her room which made her blood boil even more as they were now invading her home without her permission, and from that her bloodlust exploded onto the person who just arrived making her fall to the ground in her knees immediately.

"Goddess! Please calm down, you have just woken up and your body is still weak after fighting with the Demon Gods." Even though the woman was visibly shaking out of fear, from the eyes of Yuki it seems that she was even more afraid that she might hurt herself. But when she finally realized what the woman just said, she got confused.

"What did you just say? How did you address me just now?" Yuki asked in an even colder tone as she now felt that these Primordial Gods were playing with her by addressing her with such a title. When the woman heard her, she shivered even more, but she stayed as calm as she could before answering her question.

"Goddess… you were the one who said to me that I should address you like that. Should I call you like I used to before?" The woman said but she still didn't dare to raise her head as she just stared at the ground before continuing.

"Madam Ashura?" Once those words came out of the woman's mouth, Yuki froze because that was the first time she heard such a name, from that moment on she knew that she was not in an Illusion made by the Primordial Gods.

At least that is what she thinks as she has heard of that name before because of her countless research, that name was the name of the Cursed Demon Goddess who made every person in the Immortal Realm shiver in fear. She knows this because of all of the ancient texts that she has read that were in the Mystic Dragon Heaven, and there was one book where it stated the name of that Cursed Demon Goddess. It was Ashura!

Without saying anything… she simply walked towards a mirror and looked at herself to which she saw a very unfamiliar beautiful woman staring back at her. She then took a deep breath before talking calmly as she now began to understand her condition.

"You can continue calling me with what you like… My awakening isn't a pleasant one." Yuki said as she retrieved her bloodlust back she now began to think of a few reasons why she was in this condition.

From her memories and knowledge, when someone suddenly woke up in a completely different body, it meant that their Soul had been transferred into another body, but at this current moment it was simply impossible because the Cursed Demon Goddess was already dead unless her Soul traveled back through time then it was a possibility, but at her current moment it was simply impossible because she was immune to Time Manipulation because of her daughter.

But looking at her current situation she really took the body of Ashura, she can't even understand how it was possible because she was already dead for over a million years.

'Fubuki… can you explain to me what is going on here?' Without much choice left she decided to ask Fubuki if she knew what happened to her current situation, she didn't want to do this because it was risky as speaking in her mind might get heard by those people around her as she read that the people who served Ashura were all talented people, especially her maid who can easily read people's mind.

Yuki had no doubts that the maid that she was thinking about was the woman in front of her who already fixed her appearance and was looking at her in a calm manner as if what happened earlier didn't happen and that she was not affected by it. Because if what was written in that ancient text were correct, the woman in front of her was also the Sect Master of the Cursed Demon Goddess's hidden Sect.

But when she got no answer even after waiting for a few seconds already, she frowned as usual, it would even take long before Fubuki would answer her question, normally it would answer it almost immediately as she was trying to learn something. She is just going to get ignored when she tries to talk to it idly.

'What the fuck is happening? Why is Fubuki not answering me?' Without trying to wait anymore, she just decided to open up her System, but she was shocked to see that nothing happened.

But that should be impossible because her System was embedded deep inside her Soul, so there was no reason why she couldn't use her System, even if her System was shut down, she should still be able to see it, but at this moment she can't even feel it.

"Madam Ashura? Are you alright? Is something bothering you?" The maid asked as she looked at Yuki with concerned eyes which made her frown a little, but she was merely shocked by that feeling and answered the maid.

"No, it's nothing. How long did I sleep and what happened when I was unconscious?" Yuki just decided to leave the matter of the System on hold now since she doesn't know even why she can't use it, but it wouldn't benefit her if she just sat there and waited for her System to come back, so she would just use this opportunity to know more about her current condition.

"Yes. To answer Madam Ashura's question you were unconscious for about 6 months now after you have a fight with the Demon Gods who are trying to steal your Treasure that you made." The maid answered before she began to explain what happened in the past 6 months.

After listening to her talk, it seemed that the Cursed Demon Goddess was a lonely individual. She had just used her Mana Sense and she was shocked to see that it enveloped the entire Heaven she was in and she didn't even know where she was right now. But she knows that it was the entire Heaven because it was just so massive.

"Ahhh… fuck! What the fuck do those fuckers even want? I have made so many treasures in my life, do you know what they want from me?" Yuki just lied to know what those Demon Gods wanted with Ashura, but when her maid answered her, she stood there like a statue.

"I'm not certain that I am correct… but I believe that the news of you working on something that can help a cultivator to achieve great heights suddenly spread. I think Madam Ashura called it System?"

'The Cursed Demon Goddess is the one who made this fucking System!?' Yuki was so shocked that she wasn't even able to react to it properly to which the maid misunderstood that she was angry that her project was leaked by someone.

"Don't worry Madam Ashura, I'm already looking into this matter on who is the traitor who let the news out about your work. I also found some people who have ties with it, would you like to see them? They're in the dungeon."