Going Back To Normal

This information just blew Yuki's mind as things were starting to get clearer for her, now she could understand why she was rewarded with ability from the Cursed Demon Goddess herself and it was because she was the one who made it, but the only thing that she doesn't understand is how she got it. Because there was no possible way for Ashura to reward her at that time as she was already dead.

She's rejecting the idea that it was just a coincidence that she was rewarded with that Sword Skill as it was basically too much, she believes that it was a setup by someone like how the Grand Priest or Jin controls the reincarnation that she killed to work under them. It was basically impossible, but that was the most confusing thing about it. For some reason, the Grand Priest and Jin knew the existence of the System and from the looks of it, they were extremely familiar with it.

Unless she passed it to someone then that could be the answer to how others know the existence of the System because not even the Primordial Gods know it, they only got to know it when they came across her. This made her even more curious about the Cursed Demon Goddess Ashura now because it seemed that the words that they described her were simply correct.

"Phew… Well. let's look at this traitor then." Yuki said as she let the maid lead the way to the dungeon as of course, she didn't know where it was. The maid didn't realize that something was wrong and just nodded her head before walking out to lead the way.

As they walk around, Yuki begins to look around at where they are to at least get some idea of where she is, but no matter how hard she tries to look, she can't guess where she is. She even tried to use the Mana Sense of Ashura to find that where she currently was a dark and lonely Universe where there was only one planet and it was hers. There weren't even any stars in her surroundings which made it even more confusing as she couldn't understand how light could appear in a place like this.

When they finally arrived, Yuki's nose was instantly bombarded with the smell of blood which made her frown, and when she looked at the source, she saw 3 people chained up to a wall with their bodies covered in their own blood.

Just as she was about to ask who these 3 people were, memories began to flood her mind which made her feel like her head was about to explode, but despite the pain that she was feeling, she showed no emotion outside as she doesn't want to alarm anyone.

"Hmmm… I truly didn't expect that out of the people that would betray me, it would be you three. Tell me… why did you choose to do so when you clearly know what is going to happen to you?" Yuki asked the three people in front of her and every step she took was like a knife in their heart that kept stabbing them.

"Come on, why won't any of you answer me? Sirius, how about you?" Yuki asked as she then looked directly into the eyes of the man who seemed to have suffered the most injuries and her question made his whole body shiver in fear as he couldn't just seem to calm down to answer her question.

"Boring… did you guys become mute after being caught?" Yuki asked as she then grabbed a dagger on the table before stabbing it right on Sirius's shoulder making him scream in pain and his scream just puts a smile into Yuki's face.

"Ahhh… so you are not mute. You just don't want to answer me. How about you two, are you ready to answer my question now?" Yuki asked as she looked at the two women beside Sirius whose bodies were shivering in fear and they couldn't seem to control their bodies any longer.

"Demon Goddess Ashura! We apologize for leaking what you are working with! Please forgive us, we will never do it again! As long as you forgive us, we will erase the memory of anyone who has heard the creation of the System that you are working on!" One of the women screamed and when the others heard it, they already knew what was going to happen to her, and Yuki's maid couldn't help but sneer at her for being dumb by saying those things.

"Oh? Are you threatening me? Do you really think that I would care about that? What you just said to me, I can just also do the same, so tell me… where did you get that confidence to tell that to my face, Lily?" Yuki asked in an incredibly cold tone as she looked at Lily with her cold eyes which made her shiver even more as she just realized what kind of mistake she had made.

But it was too late for regret, in fact, she already regretted it the moment that she decided to betray Ashura, but there was nothing she could do. If there was only a medicine for regret, maybe she would have eaten hundreds of them just to get the feeling out of her chest.

Yuki's face didn't change one bit as she looked at how despair begins to seep through Lily's heart and she couldn't care less about it. Even though she was merely acting as Ashura, if there was something that she couldn't take, it was a betrayal. She has already experienced so much of it that she is already sick of it.

"It's too late to regret now. I'll give you a chance, I'll give you a quick and painless death as long as you tell me who is responsible for this." Yuki gave Lily a choice, but at this moment, despair had already taken her over that she could no longer hear what she was saying, and when Yuki saw this, she just gave her a quick death.

When she then was about to turn around to ask for a tower, she finally woke up from where she was, and when she looked around she saw her bedroom again and the two women who were still sleeping beside her with a calm and happy look on their faces.

"What the fuck?" Yuki quickly stood up to look at herself in the mirror to see if she really got her body back and when she just saw herself in the mirror, she sighed in relief as it seemed that everything was back to normal. Even her System is back as she can use it normally.

She thought that it was just a dream at first but when she clearly remembers how everything happened at that moment, she begins to believe that maybe it wasn't a dream, but it was something that was planned by someone. Even though it was a crazy thought, she knew that there was Magic that could control the Souls of people, alive or dead, it didn't matter, they would be able to control it effortlessly as long as they were powerful.

Because of her actions, she accidentally woke up the two sleeping women on the bed who were confused about why Yuki was so active in the morning.

"I'm sorry that I have woken you two up, but don't worry nothing happened. I just dreamt of something unpleasant." Yuki lied without batting an eye as she felt that there was no need to tell anyone what happened because it was just too unbelievable. When she finished saying those words, she walked towards the bed and gently stroked their head so that they could sleep more and when they were finally asleep, she sighed in relief.

"Ashura… it seems that I need to know more about you," Yuki said to herself as she closed her eyes and began thinking of how she could learn more about Ashura without getting the attention of anyone. But if she wanted answers, this was the only way she could do it which was to hunt for more information about Ashura.