Custom Furniture and Going to the Capital?

Yuki no longer slept, she just went downstairs to her kitchen to cook breakfast. It only took her about half an hour to finish cooking, and when she was finally done, coincidentally the two also woke up and came downstairs. When they did, their nose was invaded by the smell of delicious food, the two only looked at each other for a second before quickly going back upstairs to tidy themselves up, and when they finished washing their faces, they were met with Yuki who was waiting for them in the table to eat.

"Took you guys long enough to wake up. I thought I would have to go up and wake you two." Yuki chuckled as she sipped her tea while looking at the two women whose faces were bright red because of what she said, never in their whole life had they thought that they would wake up so late, but it happened. Especially with Yuki pointing it out, it made them even more embarrassed to which Yuki just chuckled even more.

"Don't worry about it, I'm only teasing the both of you, come down now, and let's eat our breakfast," Yuki said as she stopped teasing Kurokami and Fumiko anymore and let them eat their breakfast in peace. While they were eating, the three of them were chatting along the way which liven up the atmosphere, and when they finally finished, Yuki took all the dirty dishes to the sink before cleaning them with her Magic.

When she was finally done, just as she turned around she cursed under her breath which was heard by the two which made them confused as it was still relatively early in the morning, and yet Yuki was already in a bad mood. So out of concern, the two asked Yuki what was wrong.

"No… I'm not angry, I just forgot to tell Skadi what time she should come today to begin teaching. Oh well… not like it matters too much anyway, I'll just let her come tomorrow." Yuki explained and just shrugged it off like it was nothing, meanwhile the two women stared at each other before nodding their heads. Without wasting time, Kurokami took out a jade slip that was given to her by Skadi before she left so that she could contact her, and when the call went through, Yuki turned her head around to only see the two with smiles on their face.

"Grandma? Yuki said that you can visit now, she forgot to tell you what time you should go here. So please come now so we can start at an early time and end early." Kurokami said calmly while looking at Yuki with a teasing smile when Yuki saw it, she couldn't help but sigh and just relented since there was nothing she could do, Kurokami had already called Skadi, and it would just take a few minutes for her to arrive.

Just as Yuki was about to open her mouth, she heard her doorbell ringing, and she already knew who it was after using her Mana Sense. Without saying anything more, she just went to the door and opened it to only see Skadi with a smirk on her face, and when she saw it, she already felt her morning going down.

"Kurokami, you old woman is here. You guys can start practicing now, I'll just go out to do something, don't worry though, I will come back after like 2 or 3 hours." Yuki looked behind her back and without wasting a response from any of them she disappeared from where was standing before Skadi could even say anything.

It was complete silence when Yuki left but there was a very tense atmosphere in the air and Kurokami and Fumiko didn't even need to question why, as women, they knew what kind of a disastrous word Yuki had said to Skadi. But it hurts even more knowing that it is true because, in reality, Skadi is one of the oldest people in Nightingale, so being called an old woman is just true, but hurtful.

"This little brat…" Skadi cursed as she looked in the direction where Yuki disappeared with a murderous look on her face. But instead of going after Yuki, she merely took a deep breath to calm herself down before looking at her granddaughter with calm eyes.

"Come on now, let's go to a more open space so we can start out training now," Skadi said calmly before going out to find a more open area but still within the barrier that Yuki had created so that she wouldn't worry too much. Behind her, the two women just followed silently without saying anything as they were afraid that Skadi might explode in anger.

As for Yuki, she finally arrived at the restaurant that she bought. When she arrived she saw the closed tag on the door, but she ignored it and directly went inside to only see that the whole place was empty. But it didn't matter to her, as when she bought it, she had already fired everyone working there because she didn't need incompetent people working for her.

But as she looked around the more she found the place more unsightly for her as the overall design of the building was so bad that it made Yuki feel that she was scammed for buying it. So without even thinking about it, Yuki made a few Ice Soldiers to clean up the place by destroying every furniture inside and throwing it outside.

Some people who saw this couldn't help but get curious as to why someone was thrashing the high-class restaurant, some even were about to call some authorities, but they were stopped by the people who saw what happened yesterday.

"Don't call the authorities for this. If you didn't know, the person who is currently trashing the place has already bought it, so it is within her right to do this since she is now the owner of it.." A man stopped the woman who was about to call for some help and informed her about what happened. His words were of course heard by everyone and because of that a huge crowd swarmed the restaurant, Yuki didn't even realize it as she was too busy planning how she could improve the look of the restaurant.

"Oh… shit. I forgot, I don't have any materials to create my furniture and everything else. Hmm… is there a furniture shop here that makes custom design?" Yuki begins to ponder and since she has already finished cleaning up the place from all of the trash furniture, she goes outside to only see a huge crowd of people staring at her with curious eyes. But she just ignored all of them and began to look around Soulside Town for a furniture shop.

But because the Town was merely too big for her to look around on her own, it would be basically impossible for her to find it on her own, the Town here is even bigger than the Capital of the Beast Kingdom back in Mystic Dragon Heaven which was a shocking news for her.

So after looking around for a full 30 minutes already, she decided to stop and ask for help.

"Hello, can I ask if there is a furniture shop here that creates custom designs?" Yuki walked up to a random person and asked her, the woman looked at Yuki with curious eyes, but due to Yuki wearing her Fox Mask, she wasn't able to see the beautiful face of Yuki. But even with that, she somehow had a hunch that the woman in front of her was very beautiful despite the fact that she couldn't see her.

Just the aura around her and her body was enough for her to tell that she was beautiful and because of this, she wasn't able to answer Yuki's question, and was in a daze looking at Yuki.

"Hello, did you hear me?" Yuki was confused as to why she didn't answer her question as she was sure that she heard her, but for some reason, she wasn't answering her question.

When Yuki asked her again, the woman blushed heavily as she just realized that she was looking at the woman in front of her intently. She then took a few seconds to calm herself down before finally answering her question.

"I'm sorry! There is a furniture shop in Soulside Town, but I'm fairly sure that they don't accept custom designs due to some reason. If you want to get some custom design, you need to go to the Capital to ensure the quality of your furniture, because not to be mean about it. But the quality of furniture that is being sold here is quite poor, it's even better if you just make your own because the materials for it are quite cheap here." Yuki was impressed that she got a full detailed answer from the Vampire in front of her, she was even glad that she was given some tips from her.

"Oh, is that so? Thanks for the help." Yuki thanked the woman and didn't question anymore as she left the woman there who was still staring at her back.

"Wait! Lady! I know someone from the Capital that makes Custom designs, I can help you contact her if you want!" The woman suddenly yelled which made Yuki stop in her tracks as she then turned around and couldn't help but look at the woman in front of her suspiciously on why she was telling her this even though they don't know each other.

"You don't need to be cautious of me, Lady! The person who makes the custom design is my big sister, so I'm just helping her get some customers. Oh yes! If you think that I'm scamming you, you can ask around about Delta's Boutique & Furniture! I can assure you that she created high-quality furniture and clothes at the right amount!" The woman quickly explained after feeling that Yuki was cautious of her.

"Hmmm… let me think about it, what's your name?" Yuki asks what she is her name and begins to think if she should accept the offer. Just by looking at her eyes, Yuki could tell that she was not lying to her and that she didn't have bad intentions towards her. Just a person who wants to help her sister by commissioning some more work.

"My name is Delta Rami! If you decide to commission a work for my sister, you can follow me tomorrow as I'm going to the Capital." Rami waved her hand before turning around to go her own way.