Fighting Skadi Part 1

After getting her name, Yuki turned around and walked away. Now that there was nothing for her to do here, she went back to her house to start the training, she was quite curious about what Skadi would be teaching her today, though if she were the one to choose, she would want to learn more about her Blood Manipulation since it was a Skill that she didn't use often because of certain reasons.

Her main issue was that Blood Manipulation was so rare, which is why she only used it secretly so that no one could find out about that. Another reason was that she wasn't that proficient with it and she always felt that she didn't use her Blood Manipulation to its full potential. It always felt that it was lacking and even though her Blood Lifeline and Blood Annihilation were all powerful Skills, it was lacking for her. As for her Blood Clone, it would only be dependent on whose blood she took to clone, so in a way, it was also kind of weak.

"If she can teach me something good, then maybe it would be worth my time," Yuki said to herself as she went back to the restaurant to clean all of the trash that she made before finally leaving to go back to her house.

But when she arrived, she could immediately feel the strong aura around her house, and she could tell that the three people who were left alone in the house were battling. She didn't even bother to make her presence known and just sneakily walked to the side to watch how it was going, but of course, her movements were seen by one person, and that was Skadi who had a relaxed face even though two people were attacking her at the same time. As for the other two, they were so busy fighting that they didn't even realize that a person had come up to watch their fight.

"Oooh~ It seems that these two weren't really slacking. Even though they can't land a single attack on Skadi, they can work together so efficiently, they just need to look at each other to synchronize their moves. As time goes by, they are even getting better, their reaction speed, attack pattern, and even battle prowess is slowly improving as time passes." Yuki said with a light smile on her face as she just watched how the two were struggling to fight against Skadi.

After watching for more than 10 minutes, Kurokami and Fumiko dropped to their knees due to extreme exhaustion as they were pushing their bodies to the absolute limit. The two were disappointed with themselves as even after sparring with Skadi for about 1 hour straight without rest, they weren't even get close to her whenever they tried, they were quickly either thrown to the ground or pushed back.

"Don't be too disappointed with yourself. You actually did more than enough, if you were actually paying attention to your fight, Skadi wasn't moving, but you made her take a few steps." Yuki said as she gave them each a bottle of water and a towel to dry off their sweat, the two were shocked to see that Yuki had already been here for more than a while now, but they just shrugged it off after a few seconds.

"You really think so? I think if Katsumi or Yumie were to fight her though, they would actually make at least a scratch or even make her bleed." Kurokami said with a pout after finishing her water in one drink as she now began to wipe the sweat off her body.

"Yeah… no. That is impossible. I know that those two are very talented and have a very terrifying aptitude for fighting, but they won't come close to you." Yuki merely chuckled as she rejected the claim of Kurokami which made her as well as Fumiko because both of them think that they are much better than them in fighting.

"Why do you say that though? I have seen them fight numerous times, I even watch some of them spar, and I can see that they easily dominate their enemies" Kurokami asked while looking at Yuki with a confused look on her face seeing this, she couldn't help but pinch her cheeks as she was just too cute to look at.

"It seems that you are forgetting that you are clearly older than them and have better experience than them. But that is not the entire reason why I said that they would make worse progress though. The reason why I said that they won't even come close to you is simply because their movements are quite awkward, I mean I'm sure you have noticed it already right? Their weapons are simply too big for them, especially Katsumi. As for Yumie, she's not entirely that good at going straight in, she liked to strategize too much." Yuki explained before walking towards Skadi who seemed to be waiting for her already.

Yuki then turned around to look at the two before clutching something in the air and pulling something. In an instant, everyone felt a sudden change in the air as everyone was suddenly suppressed by something unknown, even Skadi felt something as she felt her body getting heavier for some reason.

But before she could even react, Yuki was already in front of her and swung the Fairy's Wrath at her in all directions possible. This caused her to frown a little as she didn't expect her to be this so fast and she realized that if she were to look at Yuki as if she was at the same level as her wives, she was going to suffer, so without even wasting as second, she also brought out her weapon.

This scene made the two women who were already sitting at the side gasp as they didn't expect to get this big already, while they were struggling, Yuki had already managed to make Skadi serious to the point where she even pulled out a weapon to fight her.

"Come on now! Attack me! This is not going to be fun if you're always on the defensive!" Yuki said as she clashed swords with Skadi with a cold smile on her face.

Yuki then aimed the Cosmic Dragon Sword at her neck while her Elemental Hyrdra aimed for her feet leaving Skadi completely with no way out to dodge as the two were aiming for two parts of her body, but this didn't make her nervous one bit, she sneered and caught the the one aiming for her neck with her hand while jumping to dodge the one beneath, but she felt that something was wrong when she saw Yuki's cold and indifferent face.

"Too late~," Yuki said to herself as she then let go of Cosmic Dragon Katana before redirecting the Elemental Hydra by quickly slashing it upwards. Skadi paled a little at this as she didn't expect this move to come out of Yuki, but she still managed to dodge it due to her insane reaction speed, what she didn't dodge was the fist that was aiming for her body which made her take a few steps back.

"Hehehe… is this really the strength of a Queen who has been on the battlefield for more than a thousand years already?" Yuki grinned, but she didn't stop there as she gripped the Fairy's Wrath tightly back in her hand, Skadi's face darkened at her words, and the fact that she was hit by a junior who was not even a decade old.

But she soon shook her head as she then charged at Yuki with now clear seriousness on her face she felt that she couldn't take any more hits than that or her pride would shatter, and even though she was only using one Sword, she was able to make Yuki to be on the defensive quickly.

Slowly, cuts began to form on Yuki's body as she couldn't keep up with her insane sword skills, it was not even due to the fact that Skadi was naturally stronger and faster than her, but it was all because of her insane sword prowess that made her unable to keep up. But that doesn't mean that Yuki wasn't able to land some hits against Skadi, though she only managed to cut her a few times.

After blocking Skadi's attack that was coming for her head with her Fairy's Wrath, she looked at her straight in the eyes before opening her mouth to say something.

"Come on… Shall we go to the absolute limit now, Skadi?" Yuki asked coldly as soon snow began to drop on everyone's head and her statement shocked the two who were watching.

"What!? They still weren't fighting seriously at that time!?"