“Do you hate it?”

"I… I don't have words for this… the only thing that I can say to you both is that I hope you survive." Skadi said helplessly as she didn't expect Yuki to be even more strict with her. After saying that, she no longer intended to stay inside and went outside to do some cultivating of her own. She wanted the two to process this reality of theirs in the best way possible, so she just left them alone.

Skadi knows that she wouldn't be able to help them even if she wanted to because even if she just got to know Yuki one day, she could see and feel how stubborn she is. 

Training Regime:

For five straight days, I want you two to follow this training. But you don't have to worry since I have left the weekends as a day off for you. However that is not just everything of course that you need to follow, you can only eat once a day and have a sleep of 5 hours, and don't even think that you can sneak some more food or sleep because I will be watching the two of you closely. So good luck! ♡

Morning Routine:

100 Mile Run while wearing two 5X Gravity Bracelets

Martial Art Training with yours truly

Qi Concentration

Sword Training with Skadi

Magic Training with Skadi

Afternoon and Nighttime Routine:

Magic Theory Lessons

Basic Cultivation


"This… is she actually serious? Does she really think that we can follow all of this in five straight days, she must be messing with us, right Fumiko?" Kurokami turned to Fumiko hoping that Yuki was just truly messing with them by making such an absurd and hard training regime for them to follow, because if even her grandmother was terrified of such training, then she should be more afraid of it.

Because of this, she even begins to remember the stories from Yumie and Katsumi on how she personally trained them while staying at the Moon Rock Forest. Though she had always thought that they were exaggerating it since they were still kids, now that she was reading what Yuki wanted them to follow, she was beginning to believe that it was no exaggeration, her training was like walking in Hell.

"Ahh… I too wish that she was just messing with us. But this is our future now, we have to follow this, I guess you can say that we are still lucky. Because just I have told you before, her training for her own men is at least 2x worse than this, and you can even ask Cindy and Diana about it if you get the chance." Fumiko sighed in defeat as she just relented before finding Yuki to at least try and ask her if she could at least add another meal for them in their training.

If they were going to be limited to one meal per day, she would feel that it was too much for her to handle, but if it was at least two meals per day, she could still accept it. So even if she cries just to beg her she will do it. But because she didn't say anything about her plan to Kurokami, she remained oblivious to it, she merely thought that she was too devastated about the news and went to take a shower, but when she heard cries upstairs, she immediately went up to only find Fumiko crying in Yuki's lap.

Meanwhile, Yuki was speechless because she was thinking the same as Kurokami, she thought that Fumiko went here to take a shower, but she was wrong. That is why she didn't turn around when Fumiko entered her room, she just continued what she was doing, but she didn't expect her to suddenly pounce at her.

"Please have mercy, Yuki! Please let us have at least two meals a day, I can't live with one meal a day, that is too much!" Fumiko instantly begins to cry like a little girl as she sits on Yuki's lap while she keeps hitting her with her hands.

Yuki became even more speechless at this, though she had already thought that Fumiko would throw a tantrum at her for making such intense training for them to follow, what she didn't expect was for her to have such a big reaction. Seeing this, she already knew what Fumiko wanted from her, so she just chuckled and looked at her with an amusing look on her face.

"Why are you not saying anything?" Fumiko became confused as to why Yuki ignored her because in the past, whenever she tried this trick even when they were not together, Yuki would just relent and agree with her since she found her actions annoying and childish. But what she doesn't know is that Yuki's view of her actions is not completely different, she sees it as her being cute and childish at the same time.

"Heh~ So you want another meal, are you not worrying that you will get fat? I remember that you always look after yourself so that you won't get fat." Yuki teased as she pinched Fumiko's waist making her squirm.

"What!? I'm not fat! For your information, I'm sexy and beautiful!" Fumiko's tears instantly disappeared as she was offended with what Yuki said to her and without even thinking, she removed her clothes right in front of her, and now she was topless with just her white bra covering her upper body.


Her movements shocked the two people who were witnessing everything, they would never expect that the shy and very conservative Fumiko would actually do such a thing to just prove something to Fumiko. But deep inside, Kurokami was happy and glad that Fumiko was slowly changing.

Though the same thing couldn't be said about Yuki, her eyes deepened as she looked at Fumiko's stunning body. There was a complete difference after she transformed from being a Human to an Angel, her body got even more beautiful if Yuki were to, but if there was something that had really changed about her, it was her body, it went from being average and small to being extremely sexy to which she was proud of.

Fumiko had always been flat-chested, they were small, but after becoming an angel, her body suddenly got plumper. Her chest transformed from being completely flat to being at least an E Cup.

Soon, lust began to show in her eyes, but she controlled it better this time and didn't let it be the best of her, she then opened her mouth and asked in a deep voice.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Yuki simply asked and her question brought Fumiko back when she realized what she had just done, her face went completely red from embarrassment, but before she could say anything, Yuki had already wrapped her arm around her waist.

"It seems that my little Fumiko is getting bolder now, is this what you want to happen?" Yuki simply asked as she then pulled Fumiko closer in and her nose was filled with her smell intensifying what she was currently feeling, but instead of letting it explode, she still had it under control.

"Do you hate it?"

Just as Yuki was about to release Fumiko from her grip, she heard her whisper something in her ear which made her stay rooted in her chair. Never in a million years would she actually think that Fumiko would be this bold with her knowing her personality, but since she was asking her and even hinting to her that she could do something more, it meant that she could do more. So without even wasting any time she quickly pressed her lips on Fumiko and began kissing her deeply while still trying to be as gentle as possible.