Bathroom Play R 18+ Part 1

After what seemed to be an eternity for Fumiko, Yuki released her from her grasp, and when she saw her licking her lips, her blush intensified. But the only thing that she could do was to bury herself in Yuki's body to hide her face as she just realized how bold she was to do something like that in front of Kurokami.

"Now you're being shy, it seems that you just realized what you truly did, huh? You pulled out your clothes right in front of me and Kurokami and you even kissed me, I would have never expected that you have this kind of side~" Yuki said teasingly as she just enjoyed looking at Fumiko's embarrassed look, but this was just her get-away to ignore the fact that her breast was pressed against her own making her breathing a little haggard, but Fumiko remained oblivious to all of this making Yuki suffer more as time goes by.

"Fufufu… stop teasing her Yuki. Why don't we leave her alone for now so that she can calm down and sort her emotions, if you let her train more with that kind of emotion, I'm sure that she would be distracted the whole time." After seeing that things were about to get even more heated, Kurokami stepped in to help calm the situation down. When Yuki saw this, she just looked at her gratefully as it seemed that Kurokami knew that she was struggling internally.

"Sister Fumiko, how about you go shower now and calm down, you can take the shower in the other room, I will use the one in here," Kurokami said after Fumiko finished putting back her clothes and without even saying anything, she rushed out of the room. But before going out, she pecked Yuki's cheek to her surprise. But soon a smile formed on her face as she just enjoyed every feeling of this.

"Alright, I'll go outside now, I will wait for the two of you to finish. Also, you can tell Fumiko that you can eat two meals a day, because now that I think of it, she's quite the foodie, and so are you, so it's unfair if I only let you eat once a day when training." Yuki said, she then stood up from her chair and was about to go out when she was stopped by Kurokami who held her hand.

"Would you like to join me, Yuki?" Kurokami asked a question that made Yuki stop in her tracks to look at her, but when she saw her clothes dropping to the ground. The fire in her heart that was slowly dissipating suddenly ignited once again and this time it was more intense than before.

Without even waiting to answer her question, Yuki had already carried Kurokami to go inside the shower. Meanwhile, back at Fumiko's side, water was running down her head and back as she took a shower with still a clear blush on her face.

"What the heck was I thinking… why did I even pull my clothes off like that?" Fumiko begins to question herself as to why she made such a bold move, but just the more she thinks about it, the redder her face gets.

But deep inside, she was feeling extremely happy that she was finally able to express herself, she also didn't understand why, but when she was still not together with Yuki, she was able to express herself more. But when they finally got together, she found it quite hard to express her real feelings even though she loved her deeply.

"It's her fault anyway, she was making fun of my body even though she knows herself how beautiful I am!" Fumiko finally came to a conclusion as to why she did such a thing and it was because she was agitated by what Yuki said to her that she was able to do a bold thing right in front of her and Kurokami.

"Ahh~ Yuki, it's too much…"

Kurokami's moans begin to fill the bathroom as Yuki begins to play with her body, but even with her pleading for mercy, she doesn't stop. She just looked at her full of love before devouring her breast and begins to suck them, while her right hand continued to play with Kurokami's pussy.

Inserting another finger inside made Kurokami squirm even stronger under Yuki's arms as the pleasure was simply too much for her. Soon after, she finally came and her juices came out staining Yuki's hand, she became embarrassed at this, but before she could apologize, she saw her tasting her fingers as if she was tasting her.

"Sweet… I wonder if it would taste better if I directly suck on it?" Yuki smiled as she looked at Kurokami straight in the eyes as if she were waiting for an answer from her.

Because Kurokami had invited her in, there was no way that Yuki would refuse such an offer from her, after all, it had been such a long time since she had done it with her. She had been struggling to keep it within her especially when Fumiko did something like that to her, but when Kurokami suddenly offered herself to her, all of the pent-up desires that she was feeling all exploded at her.

"I… I also want to make you feel good. Can I?" Kurokami said shyly as she also looked at Yuki with lust in her eyes, if it was any other person other than the two, she might have already killed or beaten them up because they were looking at her like that. But instead, Yuki only got happy and accepted Fumiko as she cuddled with her.

With that as an answer, Kurokami immediately pressed her lips against Yuki's lips before going down to her neck, and finally stopping at her breast that wasn't big or small either. They were just right, she then begins sucking on them which made Yuki release a small moan that made her courage go up as she was happy that she making her feel good.

Seeing that Yuki was feeling good, she decided to be bolder, she then begins to play with her pussy a little by rubbing it a little, and when she felt her body shivering, she got even more excited. Finally, she decided to insert a finger and finally a moan that she hadn't heard for a very long time.

"That feels good, I never knew that it felt this good." Yuki breathed out as she was trying to keep her voice down even though she knew that they were the only ones who could hear, but she was just trying to keep her pride together by not making it seem that she was weak in front of Kurokami.\

"You don't have to hold back Yuki, I promise you that you will feel better?" Kurokami said as she kissed her again before putting all her focus to pleasure Yuki to make her moan even louder than she already was.