Bathroom Play R 18+ Part 2 Last

"Ahhh~ This feels pretty good, it seems that you do this often with yourself?" Yuki asked in between breaths as the pleasure was slowly overwhelming her body to the point where she couldn't even think about anything else other than the pleasure that she was currently feeling.

But when she asked that question, the fingers inside her suddenly stopped moving, and it was all because of her question that made Kurokami think. It didn't even take a second for her whole face to get insanely red and when Yuki saw it, she knew that she was right about what she said. Kurokami does it often to herself, knowing this she is also kind of sad because it means that she is neglecting her.

Though even though she was sad at that thought, she didn't show it to her face as it would ruin the good mood around them, so she just moved her body to pleasure herself, and when Kurokami saw it she just took her fingers out of Yuki's pussy to much her confusion, but when she was about to ask her, she saw her lower her head.

"You… Ahhh… You sneaky little devil~" Yuki's moan become even louder as Kurokami begins to put her tongue inside of her pussy making her whole body shake in pleasure, she thought that nothing was beating the pleasure that she felt when Kurokami begins to pleasure her with her fingers, but when she felt her pussy getting eaten by her, her view completely changed.

As Kurokami continued eating her out, Yuki felt something inside her, she didn't know what it was, but Kurokami sensed that she was close to cumming, so she merely braced herself from it. When it finally came, a stream of liquid came inside her mouth, and without wasting any more time. She drank all of it without wasting a drop and when she finally released herself from her, she licked her lips while looking at Yuki with her lusful eyes.

"Tasty… for some reason though your insides are kind of cold like there was Ice in it, it is one of the tastiest drinks that I have ever had in my life. Even more delicious than those Royal Grade Blood in our Kingdom." Kurokami said while looking at Yuki with her clear blue eyes that just looked so beautiful.

Looking at it, Yuki pressed her lips against her, and because of the force the two of them fell to the ground but the two didn't care as they were just too busy making love to each other. It was only when Kurokami came again that the two finally stopped and began to shower normally, of course, they were still touching and teasing each other, but it didn't go any further than that.

When the two finally finished taking a shower, they got dressed before finally going outside where the two were already waiting for them. Yuki knew that she was going to hear something from this, so without even waiting for Skadi to open her mouth, she just left with the excuse of going to get something to eat.

"You two… what did you do? Why did you take so long to come down here, we have been waiting for more than 20 minutes already." Skadi asked while looking at her granddaughter suspiciously, she had a rough idea of what happened because she was familiar with that kind of thing. Two people who love each other were inside one room, things were bound to happen between the two.

"What are you thinking Mom? I just had a shower and I asked Yuki to wait for me so that if I was late to this training, I'm assured that I'm not the only one who's late!" Kurokami lied without batting an eye.

When Skadi saw how proud and confident Kurokami was with her answer, she began to re-think what she previously thought.

'Did nothing really happen between the two within those 20 minutes? Was I wrong?' Skadi asked herself while looking at Kurokami with her blue eyes that seemed able to see through her lies which made Kurokami instantly nervous as it seemed that her grandmother didn't believe what she said.

But even though she was nervous and anxious, she never let it out and just acted calmly while looking confused at her to shake her off, and when she saw her sighing, she sighed in relief as she successfully tricked her grandmother. But it was all a trap from her and when she saw her sigh in relief, she smirked which made Kurokamo shiver in fear as she was caught.

"You don't have to worry so much, you two are together anyway, and even if I'm kind of against this. I know that you already know what is best for you and you are old enough to make decisions for yourself. So you can do whatever you want." When Skadi finally got the answer she wanted, she shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"Thank you, grandmother, we should start our lessons now while the sun is still out!" Kurokami said excitedly while pulling Fumiko who was confused the whole time towards the study room as it was the place where their lessons were going to be held.

As soon as they entered the room, they wasted no time and began studying with Skadi's lectures towards them. In between those times, Yuki finally arrived with some food in her hands, they then took a quick pause to eat the delicious food before finally continuing. However as Skadi was teaching them, Yuki wasn't listening to her as she already knew all the things that she was spouting, so she merely closed her eyes and began to sleep.

"Hey! Who said that you can sleep in my lectures? I know that you already know some of this, but can't you just sit still in your chair?" Skadi said with a visible vein on her forehead as she was extremely annoyed with Yuki's actions while she was teaching them.

"Maybe you can teach something more interesting than all of the basic stuff. Even these two knew what you were talking about, but they were just too shy and embarrassed to say it to your face. However, I'm sure your lessons also help them a little since it would help them understand Magic Theory and Qi Condensation more." Yuki said with a straight face.

"Heh… is that so? I'll admit that Qi Condensation is very simple, but the same thing couldn't be said about Magic Theory, because as you know it is the very foundation of all Magic in our World." Skadi said with a sly smile and just as she was about to show an example to Yuki, she saw her casually snapping her fingers, and a 10-layered Magic Circle instantly appeared right in front of her making her jaw drop.

"Really? Is that really hard? Magic Theory isn't even that hard, you just need to understand its concept, and from that, you can do everything that you want." Yuki said casually while drawing some more Magic Circles right in front of Skadi.

Even those Magic Circles were all just random stuff that she combined, in Skadi's eyes, it seemed that all of the Magic Circle in front of her was like a work of a God.

"How is this possible?"