Taunting Daryl

"Alright, since it's not the weekend yet, I'm going to leave now. You can teach these two in the meantime. I'm going to do some business in the Capital, but don't worry I will be back two days from now, either morning or afternoon." Without waiting for an answer from them, she disappeared from where she was standing without a trace.

"She… how can you stand someone like that? I mean, no offense, but you literally chose someone who is even colder than Ice, plus she is very arrogant and prideful. From what I can see, she will never bow her head to anyone, even to me who has the highest authority in Nightingale." Skadi shook her head as she stared at her granddaughter with pity in her eyes, but even so, as long as she was happy, she would support whoever she chose.

Even though she has only seen how Yuki acts for 2 days, she has seen enough to see her personality, and even though she said that Yuki was the type of person who will never bow her head to anyone, her attitude towards her wives says a lot. It seems that she truly treasures the two of them more than any other people in the world and because of this, she holds some respect against her.

She now knows that Yuki is just the type of person who doesn't care about anyone in this world, other than those people who are really close to her.

"I won't regret my decisions, grandma. Yuki… is just a type of person, but in some way, she is partially like us. She always wants our attention to the point where she sometimes acts cute or even spoiled, I know it's hard to believe, but it's real. As for why she is like that to other people, she is just too arrogant, but that is one of her charms if I must say. Because she is always confident in what she does and unlike other people, she doesn't let anyone look down on her, even if they are someone like you." Kurokami merely chuckled at her grandmother's words as she couldn't help but explain some things to her about Yuki.

When Skadi heard the words cute and spoiled, she instantly imagined Yuki acting like that, but instead of getting happy at that thought, she got disgusted. Never had she thought that such a cold and bloodthirsty like her would be able to show such emotions.

"Come on, don't be like that. I promise you, it's actually kind of cute, plus it's kind of a fresh breath of air because you would normally not see something like that. Right, sister Fumiko?" Kurokami didn't get offended at her grandmother's reaction as she just laughed while looking at Fumiko was was suddenly dragged into this conversation.

"Yeah… you're right. However, I guess some people who have experienced the opposite of ours, wouldn't be just able to wrap their heads around it. Because no matter how hard you think about it, it's just weird for someone like her to show such emotion and actions." Fumiko said lightly as she was pretty nervous about being in the spotlight, unlike Kurokami or Yuki who had no problem talking with strangers, she was quite the opposite, she was very awkward at it.

"Well… I can't really refute your words, can I?" Kurokami said as she hugged Fumiko from behind before laughing since what she just said was true. For the people who have experienced firsthand Yuki's coldness and even wrath, her acting cutely and spoiled is something like a fantasy.

"Someone is talking behind my back… well, it's just normal at this point since I'm just too great." Yuki shrugged it off like it was nothing as she continued flying towards Soulside Town first so that she could find Delta Rami who would show her the Furniture Shop that she was talking about.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the town and when she arrived, she just landed at the Gate since there was a weird law in the town that flying was prohibited. This was an annoying rule since Delta Rami was actually quite far from the gate, so to not waste any more time, she took out her car before transforming it into a motorbike so that she could travel faster.

There was no law saying that using vehicles inside the town was illegal, so there wouldn't be any problem. So without caring anymore, she puts a helmet on top of her head before driving inside of the town. While on her ride, she was getting stares from everyone and this was just normal since it was the first time that they had seen such a vehicle, it was simply out of this world.

Some people were even shocked to hear that no sound was coming from it, it was completely quiet, unlike the other things that they had which were completely loud which were the carriages. But just like in any other situation, everyone was completely ignored by Yuki even though she could see that everyone was looking at whispering at her.

Yuki was driving fairly fast, but she could still see clearly like everything was at normal speed for her. So she could see how everyone was looking at her, then as she was passing the Town Lord's Palace, she saw Daryl outside who was also looking at her, seeing this she deliberately slowed down before pulling up her visor to look at him with her cold eyes.

In the eyes of others, it seems that she was just nodding at her in respect, but for Daryl, it wasn't the case, because he could feel the mockery in them.

'She's mocking me!' Daryl angrily said in his mind as he stared at Yuki as if he was going to murder her at that moment.

'Heh~ Such a loser, with just one look you are already this angry, this guy must have anger issues.' Yuki chuckled as she then revved her bike which made the people around her startled as they completely thought that it was a silent vehicle, but it seemed that they were wrong. It was still capable of bringing such a loud sound.

'She's fucking testing my limits! Do you really think that you can prove me that easily!?' Daryl yelled in his mind as he then followed Yuki from behind by running since he couldn't fly as it would be disrespectful to his people as he still of course cares a lot about his image.

When Yuki saw this, she couldn't help but laugh inside at how stupid Daryl was to easily fall into her trap, she couldn't believe that he was that agitated just from what she did. But it works for her since this way she would be able to bring down his fame even further than she already did back at the restaurant.

After another 5 minutes or so, she finally arrived at Delta Rami's store where she immediately saw her, so she then pressed on her brakes and stopped in front of her store before taking has helmet off. The passerby who saw this couldn't help but look at her in awe as she was just too beautiful.

Her white hair that drops down to her waist and her bright and clear red eyes that can seem to pierce at everyone makes her look even better. Even though her proportions were not that great, her face was enough to convince anyone, she was slim too without any visible fat on her body.

"Are you ready to leave now, if we leave now we can make it to the Capital within just a day," Yuki said as she got off her bike and walked towards Delta Rami who was in complete shock and couldn't comprehend what was happening in front of her.