Humiliating Daryl in the Same Day

''Miss Yuki, is that you?" Delta Rami asked in a somewhat shaky voice as she didn't expect her to arrive because she was already expecting to get rejected by her. But unexpectedly Yuki showed up right in front of her and was even telling her to get in her vehicle so that they could leave now.

Because of her shock, she wasn't able to give a clear answer as she just stood there with a dazed face on her face, it was only when Yuki was finally standing right in front of her that she reacted, and when realized what just happened she got embarrassed before apologizing to her. However, that wasn't all her reason for being so shocked.

The fact that the woman in front of her was Yuki was more shocking to her, if not for the fact that she recognized her voice, she would never have guessed that this woman was the same woman who

"Of course, who would it be? No one in this world can be this beautiful apart from me, you know?" Yuki chuckled lightly, but when the people around her heard the conversation between her and Delta Rami, they were shocked to the core as they didn't expect this woman to be her.

Especially Daryl who was so shocked to see that the woman that he chased was actually Yuki, who he considered his love rival. But that was all really just his delusions and if Yuki were to know that he was considering her as his live rival to win Fumiko's heart, she would have laughed at him before ripping his heart out.

"You are really Lady Yuki?" Daryls this time was the one who asked her since he still couldn't believe that she was Yuki, but even though the woman in front of her was clearly more beautiful than Kurokami even so that didn't mean that he would like her more.

It was all because he didn't like Yuki's arrogant personality, he liked Fumiko's gentle and kind personality even more than her who is not only arrogant but was also pretty cold and gloomy at the same time which he doesn't like in a girl.

"Of course, it's me. We just met a few days ago and you already forgot about me, isn't that cruel of you, Town Lord?" Yuki chuckled as she could tell exactly what the man in front of her was thinking. She knew exactly what he was comparing her with and she couldn't care about it, because no matter who he picked, he would still ultimately suffer from it.

Because at the end of the day, he was just a puppet in her hands that she could throw away easily, especially now that he was already dancing in her palm the moment that he decided to follow her here.

"Oh yeah, my wife said that I should say hello to you in her regard. She also said thanks for trying to help me." Yuki lied as she looked Daryl straight in the eyes since she knew what could easily catch him.

"Is that so… then thank her for me. But let's talk about another thing. May I ask what are you driving? Because that thing is illegal to drive in my Town." Daryl said as he then confidently raised his chest and acted arrogantly as if he had trapped Yuki by clearly stating that she broke a law by driving such a vehicle inside of his Town.

"Illegal? That is a good joke Town Lord. I have read every single law in Soulside Town and there was nothing stating that I can't ride this. Plus you were literally asking me what was I riding and now you are telling me that it is now illegal even though you don't know what it is? Isn't that kind of concerning since you are literally making a law on the spot that doesn't even exist?" Yuki just smiled as she leaned her body against her motorbike to only rev it once more before finally transforming it into a black metal box.

Daryl was stupified when he heard what Yuki just said to him since he was basically caught in the act of lying and worse even trying to put someone in prison for not even breaking any law. For the first time in his life, he couldn't say anything in return and he felt so ashamed of what happened.

"For the fact that you are my little sister and my wife's benefactor, I'll let this one slide. But I do hope that you won't do something like this again because it would only be bad for you. Especially if you did it to an innocent civilian of your Town, much worse to someone who is visiting." Yuki gave advice to Daryl which made the other people who were listening nod in acknowledgement.

All of them thought that Yuki was really kind for letting go of such a thing even though she was clearly being framed by their Town Lord and this made them wonder if they were actually being ruled by someone worthy. Yuki naturally saw this and she only smiled within since her plan to pull Daryl down even further worked. Now even his people were thinking of him as an evil guy for doing something like that to a kind person such as Yuki.

But even though it seemed to be a piece of advice, that wasn't the case for Daryl who had heard the murderous intent behind every word, which made his whole body shiver.

"Anyway, what I rode is something called a motorbike. I made it myself that is why you won't see something like this, even in the capital. There is no such invention same as mine." Yuki then gave a brief description of her motorbike and didn't forget to press on Daryl even harder by stating the fact that she was the one who made it and that no one else had such an invention in their hands. Not even in the Capital.

"Lady Yuki is truly a genius. Lady Fumiko was right to say that you are truly an outstanding person." Daryl took a deep breath before complimenting Yuki's Skills while gritting his teeth in anger as he couldn't believe that he was forced to say such things in front of so many people.

"Enough with the praises. It's very simple anyway. But since this matter is now done, I'll be leaving now, Town Lord. I'm going to visit the Capital for a few days, when I come back, I'll have some gifts for you." Yuki said as she turned around before finally putting all her focus back on Delta Rami who was still shocked by everything that was happening in front of her.

Seeing her act like this made Daryl extremely angry to the point where his whole body was shaking in anger, but before he could explode in anger and attack Yuki, he took a deep breath to calm himself down before leaving the area.