Kurokami Childhood Friend

"Oh yes, do you want to hone your skills even more? Because a Tournament is about to start, it is where all youngsters such as yourself show to the world their talents. That is a place where I can promise you that you will meet a lot of strong people and you will have a chance to fight with them. Actually, Kurokami also entered one of those tournaments." Skadi said as she invited Yuki to join one of Nightingale's greatest tournaments to be ever held in history.

It was a Tournament where it only happened once every one thousand years, and Kurokami was fortunate enough to be a part of it. The tournament's name is the Reqiuem of the Vampire Goddess, it was to honor the Momozano. Even though she hasn't passed yet, they decided to go with that name just to honor her for everything she has done for her people. But also to their great ancestors.

"Oh, really? How was the tournament, Kurokami? Was it fun and what place did you get?" Yuki asked as she walked closer to them before grabbing the bottle of water that was in Fumiko's hands to drink it in one gulp.

"Hey! That was my water!" Fumiko instantly raised her voice as she stood up to grab the water back but when she got it back it was already empty, seeing it she pouted before punching Yuki in the chest.

"What was that for? I only took a drink because it seemed that you didn't want it anymore. Plus you have more, right? Can't you even share some with your wife?" Yuki asked with a sad tone in her voice which made Fumiko flustered all of a sudden as she didn't think that Yuki would get upset by what she said, but when she suddenly heard her chuckle, her face got even redder.

"Ah, you don't need to expect too much from me. Because as you know, I'm not much of a fighter, I'm more of a backline support, so I didn't get too far. I only managed to get within the top 1000 out of the 1 Million that entered. As for whether it was fun or not, I guess you have to experience it yourself, but for me, it was a fun and good experience because I managed to learn a lot." Kurokami answered with a smile on her face.

As she began to recall every moment of her time in the tournament, a smile couldn't help but form on her face as she began to remember all those good memories of her joining the tournament. Out of everything that she has done in her life, it was one of her proudest moments to be in, even when she placed only in the top 1000, it was good enough for her since no support type cultivator can really do that easily.

"Oh yeah, now that you mention it. Isn't there even a moment where the winner of that tournament proposed to you claiming that she will become your wife? But then the second place got mad and also proposed to you? The two were fighting all day, but in the end, the 1st place of course won defeating the man in utter defeat." When Skadi finished telling her story, Kurokami couldn't help but froze.

It was one of the most embarrassing moments for her as she who just wanted no attention to her whatsoever was suddenly put in the spotlight because of those two. But it wasn't just her who was shocked about this revelation, Fumiko was also shocked. Even though she already knows that Kurokami is famous, she doesn't know that it was to that extent.

"Grandma, please? Can you not remind me of that, I just want to bury that memory of mine. It was such an embarrassing moment to the point where I couldn't even go out because she insisted on meeting me every day." When those words came out of her mouth, the atmosphere around them suddenly turned cold, when they finally noticed where it was coming from all of them couldn't help but shudder in fear.

The bottle that she was holding was already frozen beyond belief and when it shattered into a million pieces, they shivered in fear because they knew that they just made a mistake. But Skadi still remained oblivious to all of it,

"No, you should continue. What about those two who tried to pursue you and even announced it to the world?" Yuki asked in a casual manner, but anyone could tell that she was extremely mad right now even though she had that look on her face.

And the two understand it very much, it was just her nature and personality that made her like that. Her yandere-like nature, it was her possessiveness that was acting up.

"I… ummm. No! I already rejected both of them because I don't like either of them." Kurokami quickly explained as she forgot what kind of person Yuki truly was, she already hated it when someone tried to sneak up a glance, even so when they tried to talk to them. So hearing that someone from the past tried to propose to her would definitely cause a lot of misunderstanding.

"Yeah, but didn't you reject them because you said that if you are going to marry someone, it's going to be Lady Ilya, your childhood friend?" Skadi said as she remembered those exact words came from her mouth.

Back then when Kurokami was a young Lady, she was often alone because of her circumstances in the family, but there was one person who always played with her. It was Lady Ilya, her childhood friend who turned from her friend to being her crush. She had always dreamt of being in a relationship with her because of how just kind and caring she was for her, even though she was hated practically by everyone, she was different. She showed her kindness and warmth which made her feel extremely happy.

"Grandma! Please stop! I already belong to someone else, don't you think it's appropriate to talk something like this in front of her?" Kurokami couldn't help but yell in frustration as she stopped Skadi from saying anything more, but what was worse for her was that she couldn't even read Yuki's expression right now,

It was hard to tell whether she was angry or not and that made her nervous, but it made her even more tense knowing that she was upset after hearing all of that.