Invited for some Dinner

When Yuki felt everyone staring at her she only felt irritated by it, but she knew that this irritation would only get worse if she put her mask back on, so she just ignored all of them before stepping out of the room. As the door of the chamber opened, everyone stood out of the way for her, as soon as she took her first step. Yuki heard countless gasps around her, when she heard it she couldn't help but snicker at their intent was already clear in their eyes.

It was nothing but lust, no matter if they were a woman or a man. It was filled with nothing but lust, and it made her disgusted inside. Containing her irritation inside, she went to a quieter area of the room before removing the Anti-Magic bracelet that she was wearing and throwing it toward Damian since she was now done with the Physical Test, and right now she just wanted to take at least a 30-minute break to get her strength back, as the Stamina Test took quite a toll on her body.

"I'll take a 30-minute break and once I'm done we can continue, and before you say anything, you don't have to worry about me. I'm just a little tired. I can still continue if you're concerned about that." Yuki said as she took a sip of the bottle of water that she took from her Spatial Ring.

After that, she simply made an Ice Chair as well as a fan to blow some of the heat out of her body as she was sweating too much and she didn't like that one bit. Even though she has already cleaned her body by using her Magic, she still feels dirty and wants to take a shower, but she can't.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva. Because she was simply too sexy to look at right now with her, especially with her legs crossed, and how her clothes were sticking to her body. It only heightened the curves of her body to such an extent.

She then took out her phone and as well as a pair of earbuds before dialing a number. When the call finally connected, the irritation and coldness in her face vanished and when the people saw it, they couldn't help but admire her beauty even more. She was already beautiful even though she was cold, but right now she had a gentle smile on her face.

"Darling~ It's me." But as soon as those words came out of her mouth, all of them felt their dreams and hopes shattering right before them.

'She's taken already…' Even though they know that they don't stand a chance against her as she is simply too great, they still can't help but hope even though it is basically impossible. But now their hopes and dreams are crushed because she is already taken and from the looks of it, she is in love and has a great relationship with the other person.

"Why are you embarrassed when I call you like that, do you not want it?" Yuki chuckled after hearing the flustered voice on the other side and from the corner of her eyes she saw the disappointed look of the people around her, and it only made her smile bigger.

"All of you… I know that you are struck by her beauty, but can you just get your head out of your asses and take a closer look at her? How the hell is she talking to someone when she isn't even using a Crystal Ball, much more a Talisman?" A man asked all of them and when it finally clicked on everyone, all of them were simply shocked because he was right.

But even with that kind of revelation, no one had the guts to come up to Yuki and ask her that since all of them were basically terrified of her.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just missed you two that's why I called. I will also be running a little late, so if I don't make it in time, you two can sleep before me, you don't need to wait for me" Yuki said softly while looking at the time on her phone as it was already past the afternoon.

"I'm sorry that I won't be able to eat dinner with you guys, but I'm doing something important right now. I'm sure you have heard of it too, I mean the news was so loud after all." Yuki chuckled and after talking a bit more she dropped the call before texting some stuff to her daughters before putting the phone and earbuds back.

When she was finally done, she only saw the dreadful look on the people around her, but amidst all of those looks, there was also confusion among them. But she had already expected it since this was their first time seeing a phone after all. Yuki was about to ignore them when one of them suddenly went forward to her, but before the woman could ask her something, Yuki was already one step ahead of her.

"If you are going to ask how I communicated without using a Talisman or a Crystal Ball, I will have to say no. Because… this is my own creation and don't even think about buying them from me because my answer is already clear." Yuki said as she didn't even look at the woman in front of her and just closed her eyes.

"That is not why I'm here… I- I wanted to ask you about something else. I couldn't help but hear your call… I heard you say two, so it is safe for me to assume that you have two wives. I said this because I assume that you are not fond of men." She asked while fiddling with her fingers and when Yuki heard it she couldn't help but open her eyes and stare at the woman in front of her.

"So? Is there something wrong with that? I don't remember a law saying that a woman can't have multiple wives or husbands." Yuki just smiled as she stared at the woman in front of her who was starting to shake a little now.

"No… there is no problem with that. I was just curious… Can I invite Lady Yuki for some dinner? I would like to talk some more private things about you, I can't talk about it here. If you decide to accept my offer, please just use this Talisman." The woman said as she gave Yuki a Talisman before she could even say something and just left.