A Little Display

"You don't need to do that, whatever you want with me. Say it to me right now. I'm a busy person, once I'm done with this Trial, I'm going straight home." Yuki said coldly and when the woman heard her she stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around with a terrified look on her face as this was something she wasn't expecting. But this was also the worst outcome that she hoped to happen.

"If you are terrified of the people hearing what you want to talk to me, you don't have to. Unless you are going to confess your love to me since you asked if I have a wife instead of a husband, at least that is what I assume. Of course, I could be wrong, but still, you should have the confidence to say it on my face." Yuki continued after seeing her terrified look, now she was more curious to know what she wanted from her.

She was merely playing with her by saying that the woman might really confess their love for her since that is not what she sees, instead, Yuki thinks that this woman wants to strike a business with her. This is what Yuki wanted since this was basically a free advertisement from her because from what she is seeing, the woman in front of her belongs to a Noble Family. So if she can strike a deal with her, it would be great for her since this way her name would spread more easily.

Not only people will see her as a formidable and strong person as she is an Adventurer but they will also see that she cannot be fooled as she is an intelligent businesswoman.

"I'm sorry, but I don't really have a say about this. It's my Father who wants to talk to you. My name is Leah Talon… I'm the person who accidentally stumbled into your home a few days ago, you even gave us the Phoenix Feather…" When Yuki finally remembered who this woman was, she was pleasantly surprised as she didn't expect that one of them would even have the guts to appear before her again.

"Oh… so you're that woman. So that is the reason why I find you somewhat familiar. But as for your request… I would have to reject it. Because just as I said, I'm quite busy, but if your Father wants, he can come and visit me in Soulside Town. I have recently bought a restaurant there, we can talk there." Yuki chuckled after remembering the woman.

"I see… then I shall relay your words to my Father." Leah bowed her head as she just stood beside the wall, her once terrified look had already vanished and it was now replaced with a happy smile as she got what she wanted from Yuki.

But when the people finally realized what they had just talked about, they immediately swarmed over to Leah to ask some questions since they were just too afraid of Yuki, and if Leah was terrified of her, they should be since Leah was a lot stronger than most of them.

"Lady Leah, is what you said true? She was the one who took out the baby phoenix that we saw roaming around?" A man quickly got to business as he asked directly, but he still maintained being courteous to Leah because she belonged to a higher Family, even if she was not, her power and stand in Nightingale without the Talon Family was enough to make him scared.

"Yes… There is no need to question it. As all of you know, we managed to get a tracker on it which only means that we almost have every right to capture it. I'm stating this as a fact since it is a law, so not even the Royal Family can do anything about it. But as we were chasing it down… it suddenly went inside of a strange Domain." Leah took a quick pause as she looked up towards Yuki who saw her looking at her. She immediately averted her gaze at this.

"As you can already tell, the Domain that it followed was Miss Yuki's Domain. Since we had a mission we destroyed it, it took a couple of attacks, but we were successful. When we got inside… to say that things didn't turn out to what we expected, was an understatement." Leah took a deep breath to compose herself as those dark memories came back to her like a flood, hitting her deep.

"She… she set us up to fight with her Wife. She said that if we can defeat her Wife, we can go home with just a few broken bones, but if we don't and try to run away, she will kill us. Which actually did happen, one of our members died while trying to run away, and it was so fast that even to this day I don't even know how she got killed." Leah explained with a shaky tone and when all of them heard it, they couldn't help but feel a shiver run down their spine.

Just as Leah was about to continue to explain to them what happened, she first looked at Yuki once again only to see her being nonchalant as if the things that she was talking about didn't matter to her. When she opened her mouth to speak, she was suddenly interrupted by Yuki who also spoke up.

"If you are curious about how I killed one of your buddies, it's actually very simple. I used my Ice Needle to kill him~ It's something like this." Yuki spoke up as she then pointed her finger upwards and to everyone's disbelief, a needle appeared before them, but that wasn't enough for them to be shocked.

It was the power behind that needle that struck them deep within their core, they all felt something terrifying that came deep within that Needle. They all felt that they could die when they got hit by it.

"You don't need to be so scared, I mean… this thing isn't really that powerful… See?" Yuki casually threw the Ice Needle towards the leftover of the stone wall and when it hit, it just stayed there rooted inside.

When people saw it, they sighed in relief as it seemed that they misunderstood the Ice Needle to be something so powerful, but it seemed that they were wrong. But they soon swallowed the word that was about to come out of their mouth when they saw the stone wall suddenly shattered into a million pieces and when they took a closer look at it, it seemed to have been corroded at the same time frozen too.

This sent shivers down everyone's spine